OCTOBER GI, 1I99S @fher Press Ms APOCRYPHYL GARDENS (1) Hnta)heennye) av AM aravULCtoaT ony eam eae ran) & iT) : the sound of serpent foot steps through out the morning, gardens halummph shhtft and On Thomas scramble into branches bearing godly aaeie hearwearehiddengraves repositive in forests green A tragedy, they say, f but he lived his life like there was no tomorrow slithered in terrible knowing halummph halluummphh PANIC OCR er Ny 5 rte Nett) trump Divine. Trent “aoe succulent wisdom reaches secrets in twisting steps not walked but writhed and shorn as skin flesh — words paths ways marked in blossoms deep within the without spoken only in languid warmth lizard snake reptile dreams deep, within your hidden carving of caves forbidden, tasting licks of long tongued self yours hallumphh haalumph truummppp hall umph ha lump ph trump. overmindoverheadsnakes gather circles, singings speakings aatee ere I/we are the gardens of eden, awakening lizard oye Ta) hypothalamushalumph We/i find primal urging beyond egoconfinesegoconfinesegoconfines beyond consciousness olen Zoyae Monel ga halumph halumph halumph halumph halumph halum, ph trump Life overcame this world in enormousness after life’s lost journey dissipated in diminished solar winds halumph now halumph nymphotoclectrick halumph. Listen to the Dragon’s moons. Arthur Hanks « x . rA-A =OZ204HoMASEP OL Pumpkin Monster Mash Trap Jack Moon Cat Night Broom Bats Trick Candy Creepy