e = 7 continued from page 5 The survey in question was distributed at Okana- gan College with the results being that the women at that instituion were not being sexually harassed and were comfortable at the College. The results were published in the student newspaper at Okanagan College, The Gol- SP SE ee en deo ree? soroe in question. We at the Other Press feel that there is a need to find out how much, if any, sexual harassment is going on at Douglas College, so we are printing the survey, poor wording and all, and encourge the students at D.C. to fill out the survey and wishes that all con- cerned students (and fac- ulty) fill it our and put in the pouch on the Other Press door in the cafeteria. before our last deadline of rig ee 7th. Please in- cluage any comments you wish to make. ws | liard, along with the survey . poo === British Columbia Students Federation Sexual Harrassment Survey November2-6,1981 The following questions are for the purpose of this survey oni, the results of this study may be published, complete anonymity wii ensured. 1) AGE A)Under 20 B) 20-29 Cc) 30-49 D) Over 50 2) EDUCATION (Circle highest level of education attained) A) Secondary/High school B) Technical/Vocational College degree C)Some Vocational D)Some University EB)Undergraduate degree F)Graduate/Professional degree 3)MARITAL STATUS A)Single B) Common-law C)Married D) Divorced E) Seperated FP)Widowed B)NO Mefinition of Sexual Harrassment Sexual harrassment has been defined as unwanted or unreciprocated sexua advances. These may take the form of sexual comments, looks, suggestions or physical contact. At its more extreme, it may take the form if sexual propositions or even sexual assault. This situation ly dang in our edi ional sy .» Sexual harrassment in itself is bad enough, but when it is used by someone in a position of authority ( professor/teacher, administrator) to influence the academic future of a student, it is a very grave situation. The following questions are intended to determine the extent to which sexual h in our post y educational system. 6)Have you ever experienced any of the following forms of sexual harrassment A)Verbal (suggestive comments,innuendos etc.) B)Physical (touching,pinching, fondling etc.) C)Sexual propositions D) Sexual assault 7)From whom did you experience this/these form(s) of sexual harrassment? A)Peer group B)Faculty member C)Teaching assistants D)Administrative personnel 8)llow did you respond to this/these incident(s)? A) Refused to comply B)Complied C)Reported the incident (s) D)Reprimanded the incividual involved 9)If you refused to give into sexual harrassment,do you feel thit affected your academic standing? — A)Yes B)No 10)If YES, in what way? A) Received lower grades B) Failed course C)Switched courses D)Left educational institution E)OTHER(Please specify) 11)Did you report the incident(s)? A)Yes B)No > 12)If YES,was the person: A)A councillor B)Faculty member C) Fellow student D)Student Union official £) Chaplain F)An administrator G)Legal advisor H)Priend or family I)Member of a women's centre J)OTHER(Please specify) 13)If you reported the incident(s),how did the person respond? A)Did not believe you B)Made light of the situation C)Sympathetic but unable to help D)Sympathetic but unwilling to help £)Talked to and reprimanded individual P)Pired the person G)Blamed you H)OTHER(Please specify) ~The following questions an attempt to obtain your comments and opiniors on the issue of sexual harrassment. 14)Do you think sexual harrassment is a problem on your campus? A)Yes B)No 15)Do you think individuals in a position of authoritylie. professor/ teact2r should be penalized for actions judged to be: sexual harrassment of students? A)Yes B) No 16)Are you aware of a grievance vrocedure to complain about this probLler on your campus? A) Yes B)No 17)Do you feel a grievancé procedure should be implemented on each campus? A)Yes B) No 18)Do you have a women's centre or groug on your campus? A) Yes B) No 19)Please indicate your sex: Male Female J nn nn ne ee ee a i _—_— er rr cr rs cr rr ce rr rs cr re rs re cr er re ee ce cre cre ce re cre re es ee ee ee es ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee