MAD HATTER PAGE 2 Users’ Group TO: ALL DOUGLAS COLLEGE PERSONNEL FROM: BILL DAY, PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE RE: NEW WESTMINSTER PERMANENT CAMPUS I am convening a special meeting of all Chairmen of Users' Groups and Admin- istrators of Reference for the Douglas College permanent campus: THURSDAY, MAY 14 , 1981 9:00 -— 1:00 P.M. McBRIDE SITE FOUR ROCM COMPLEX In addition, I am inviting all new administrators of reference, who will be named over the next week to a re- vised structure. The purpose of the special meeting is ’ to review all budget submissions for furnishings & equipment of the perman- ent campus, with an eye to reducing the overall requests to stay within an overall cost of 15% of building costs. At this time, the total of submissions received is approximately 35% over the formula allowance. Members of Users' Groups may be being contacted in advance of this meeting by their Administrator of Reference and/or Chairman for comment and advice. Barbara Bessey has completed a revised proposed structure of Users' Groups that will see us through to completion of the New Westminster Permanent Campus. This is occasioned by the college "split", and the redeployment of many administrators and faculty members. The same principles of organization will be followed as in the past. That is, the project will be governed by a Steering Committee representative of the College Board, the student, faculty and staff associations, and the senior administration. The management of the project will be assigned to the Project Development Committee, whose members are Bill Day, Chairman; Bill Morfey, finance; West Graydon, Project Manager; Sooz Klinkhamer, Project Assistant (Engineering) . Users' Groups will be composed of faculty, staff and administrators as required, with an elected chairman through whom the group's advice will be sought. Each group is attached to an Administrator of Reference who holds final responsibility and authority for decisions made in the geographic ter- ritory assigned to that User's Group. All communications from User's Groups to the project management and the architect will be through Barbara Bessey - Project Assistant (Education). For Sale FOR SALE 1980 Datsun Pick-up Truck. Mirrors, step bumper, radio, 6 tires, 1/2 ton. $6,000 obo. Eugene 939-6611/736-6847 1972 BMW 2002, Excellent condition. Mich. radials, AM/FM, stereo cassette. $4,850 obo. Eugene 939/6611/736-6847. 1965 Jeep Wagoneer - 4 wheel drive, power steering, power brakes, 6 cylinder, locking hubs. Brown metallic finish. Sell or Swap for what have you. Cali 581-0134 after 5.