INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / FEBRUARY 14, 1989 Living With Depression Depression-sufferers are learn- ing ways to shout back at those voices that create misery in their lives. Practical coping techniques lessen the pain while allowing them to more easily understand and confront their depression. “Living With Depression," a day-long workshop offered by Community Programs & Ser- vices, is for people who want to learn options other than medica- tion (or which could be used in conjunction with medication) to help them fight recurring depres- sion, "There are practical steps to take before depression hits," said instructor Gwen Gilliland. Building physical exercise routines into your life and sur- rounding yourself with pleasurable distractions, for in- stance, can diminish the depression’s intensity. Also, the relaxation response and thought-stopping techniques may be used to break the ‘squir- rel cage’ pattern, where the depressed mind often moves painfully round and round on a treadmill of despair. "It’s important to recognize the consequences of depression, such as neglecting one’s nutri- tion," says Gilliland. She counsels ways in which to over- come the temptation to let your physical health slide when feel- ing depressed. 6 Family and friends are also encouraged to attend the workshop. "It’s very draining to live with a depressive,” said Gil- liland, “Especially since one component (of the illness) may be suicidal thoughts. The course provides hope and it’s twice as valuable if a depressed person’s spouse or best friend joins in learning coping techni- ques.” The workshop is offered Saturday February 18,9 am - 4 pm, $30. Call 520-5479 for more information. To register (with Visa or Mastercard) call 520-5472. Group Advising Sessions Schedule All sessions start promptly at times advertised and are approximately 1 1/2 - 2 hours in length. Sessions are free, pre-registration is not required. All sessions are held at the New Westminster campus unless stated otherwise. February 20 - 24 Education - University Transfer ............ Tuesday, Feb. 21 Simon Fraser University 1000 hours (Elem. & Sec.) B.Ed. Room 4211A Lorraine Commerce & Business Administration ...... Wednesday, Feb. 22 University Transfer Programs to 0830 hours UBC and SFU Room 4223 Georgina Education - University Transfer & P.E. ...... Wednesday, Feb. 22 UBC 1000 hours (Elem. & Sec.) B.Ed. Room 4211 (Excluding Music) Linda First-Year Science - University Transfer ...... Thursday, Feb. 23 Including Major requirements and 1000 hours pre-entry requirements for Room 4211A professional programs : Sharon Access Nursing .........20220 0c eee eeeees Friday, Feb. 24 Access I, I] 1400 hours Room 4211 Georgina 08 0. iM A eg a SS RT IE STE