OCKV |retease BCTV TO RUN TEENAGE ALCHOLISM DRAMA The television drama, "Sara T. Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic" has been re-scheduled to play on British Columbia Television Saturday March 22 at 9 p.m. A last-minute postponement of the program from an aeidee date in 1975 resulted in BCTV being flooded with more than 200 phone calls. The cancellation was brought about when the program became unavailable in Canada. This American-made drama has received many flattering reviews for its accuracy in portraying one of the biggest problems facing adolescents today. Its storyline follows a 15-year old who begins drinking when she discovers difficulty in adjusting to her new neighbourhood, new school and life after her parents are divorced. It stars Linda Blair, who is best~-re- membered for her role in the motion picture "The Exorcist? Surveys in Canada show that since the legal drinking age was reduced, the proportion of high school students using alcohol has doubled. "Sara T. Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic" will be seen as part of the regular 9 pm Saturday "Academy Performance" series. RECcIvED MAR 12 i975 AGS ae ae TE | tai ae ' \ British Columbia Television Broadcasting Systerr th Box 4700, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 4A3 (604) 299-7272 Telex 043- 54784