-2- What does Local autonomy mean? For example, 4§ the Provincial Government - phovddes 60 per cent of the funding does that necessarily mean that the Local control is only 40 per cent? Does 10 per cent Provincial funding necessarily mean 90 per cent Local autonomy? Anyone who has served ona agekege Finance Committee dealing with budget preparation, sir, would assure you that your argument is not worthy of debate. And where, oh where did that intriguing sentence - "But the junior colleges ane Aer dAntimate extension of Schook programes than the universities," come {/com? "Junior," colleges, indeed! That teu is strictly an American one, public colkeges in our province are known as district or regional colleges. We believe that each type of educational institution should provide different and distinet Learning experiences, with none viewed as better or worse, i higher or Lower, than the other. Each type of institution should be a true alternative. We, therefore, recommend that the colleges be granted corporate siatus, We, also, recommend that they have their own coklege board made up 04 ten representatives from the wider community and five from the internal ecklege community. . With this form of governance, representation from individuals or community besed qnoups, such as schook boards, Labour, industry, faun, service organ- 4zations and community resource boards would be assured, as would socio- eronor ‘ic elements and geographic areas within a region. Did you know that seven provinces in Canada, including Alberta and Ontario, have ovted for the appointment approach? The community college has matured, From our studies neither the autonomy nor the governance has suffered. One ether anternesting point should be mentioned. ALL other community college su'tems in Canada have 100 per cent Provincial financing for both capital av operating costs. The Task Force recommends that the operating costs be jcnded by the Provincial Treasury. ~ Ard finally, sir, in answer to your question - "Just how strong is the qovernment's’s commitment to Local autonomy?" I can only reply that the Task Farce bekkeves that, 44 our recommendations ane followed, the wider community wl? be represented on college boards and we envisage a new spirit of co- ooonaiton and sense of direction for comunity colleges in British Columbia. In Summation, 442, I should Like to thank you for expressing your concerns, a1 also Anvite your readers to write to the Research and Development Div- iscan of the Department cf Education, Victoria, for their free copy of our nenert, entitled "Towards the Learning Community." and then they can be the judqe. " Yours very truly, HAZEL L'ESTRANGE Chairman Community College Task Force HLE/imgl