President’s Report Centre for Curriculum, Transfer, and Technology As a result of the provincial strategic plan, the new provincial Centre for Curriculum, Transfer, and Technology is now constituted. Its 14-member Board includes Douglas College Board member Jamie McEvoy, who represents the province’s students. The new Centre incorporates the former Curriculum and Professional Development Centre and the Standing Committee on Educational Technology, but an expanded role is anticipated. Executive Director Dr. Gary Bauslaugh will be visiting Douglas College soon to discuss how the Centre can best contribute to constructive change in the post-secondary system. MNsne_wrorwarion INside Douglas College is published the first Tuesday of every month by the Communications & Marketing Office and the College Duplicating Centre. The next issue will appear on March 4. Deadline for submission for next issue is noon Tuesday, February 18. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Communications & Marketing Office, (604) 527-5325, FAX: (604) 527-5095, Room 4700 at the New West campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Johnson Speaks Out I wish to bring to general attention the In Memoriam valuable community contribution made last month by Chris Johnson, who took part in several media interviews for CBC Radio, the Vancouver Province, etc. Chris The Department of Psychiatric Nursing is mourning the loss of a dear colleague and friend. Diana Gunderson died suddenly on January 20, 1997. She was truly a unique individual, a passionate teacher, and an energizing force in the Department. Everyone who is the College’s Sports Institute Programmer, and is widely respected for his philosophy and teaching ability in all aspects of coaching. His frankness and commitment to building positive sport practices have been particularly helpful in healing and stopping abuse in amateur athletics. knew her will miss her presence deeply. Chamber of Commerce Recognition A memorial service for Diana was held on January 28 in North Vancouver. Condolences to Madeline, Brad, Lisa and all of her family, friends and coworkers. The Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce has presented the 1996 Coquitlam Builders Award to Douglas College for its David Lam Campus, recognizing the College’s outstanding and continuing contribution to the community. EEE College welcomes . . . continued from page 1 Green Links also provides a professional jumping-off point for Burnaby Project Coordinator Kathleen Grainger, who has a degree in Environmental Studies from Waterloo University and a Diploma in Integrated Resource Management from Sir Sanford Fleming College. Grainger is supervising a variety of projects, including community surveys and urban trail planning. “This is the first job I’ve had in my field. I’m interested in project management rather than strictly technical work, so I’m glad to be applying my specialty in such a hands-on way.” Other workers, whose ranks include grads from local high schools, BCIT, SFU, UBC and Douglas College, will fan out to study ecological systems in identified urban settings, reintroduce native plant species throughout the study sites, and conduct educational workshops in schools and community centres. Part of the “E-Team’s” time with the Institute will also be spent in the classroom, tackling a wide variety of environmental issues and learning the latest techniques to improve endangered areas. For more information on any aspect of the Green Links project, call Melinda Yong 9 the Institute office (5522) or Val Schaefer (5224). And watch for posters on the many upcoming public events—thanks to the Institute and its crew, it’s going to be a very “green” spring at Douglas College. ff 2