COMPUTER ON-LINE SEARCH FACILITY Douglas College Library now has a computer terminal located at Coquitlam Campus which allows the College to retrieve bibliographic information from more than one-hundred data bases. The terminal can be used to find specific articles by Author, Title, or Subject and it can generate short bibliographies on very specific subjects. Data bases include ERIC (Resources in Education), Psychological Abstracts, Management Contents, and Enviroline. The use of the terminal is normally associated with research, course preparation, or administrative questions. It is not meant to replace existing resources but is a supplement to those resources. If you have any questions about this service, please contact Ralph Stanton at Coquitlam Campus 939-6611 Local 16. He will be glad to help you. Sivas c Ralph Stanton CLARIFICATION A few questions arose from the printing of Douglas College's Statement and Procedure on Cheating in the September 16 issue of the Mad Hatter. This policy was approved by the Management Committee on September 9,1980. _ It was meant to supercede the College's statement on plagiarism. Faculty are bound by the statement. FOR SALE 2 good-quality tires (A78-13), wheeled approx. 1500 miles. $20 each or $35 pair’ (Toyota Corolla). N309 or loc. 241. Belen alte Valerie MacBean FOR RENT Single person or couple wanted to share house with two others in rural Surrey. Phone 576-6882