Surrey campus faculty are invited to attend a meeting to be held in Room 208, Surrey campus on Wednesday March 26 at 4:00 = 6:00 p.m. to present and discuss concerns regarding short-run copying presently handled in the faculty work room. G Ray Dow [22 BOLG> samo NEWSFLASH $ 4 ARE YOU TAKING PSYCHOLOGY? WORK AS A CAREER? | | CAREER _ _ SEMINAR 3rd Seminar/Workshop month-end FILM (15 mins.) with GUEST SPFAKERS Joan McDermott, Administrator-Richmond Community Care Hal Blair,.John Hallett, Frances Ross - UBC Graduates/ Ben Chud - UBC Faculty of Social Work Social Work Larry Mitchell, Dick Clements, Simon Foulds - Poug} es etc. etc. etc. . Y When? from 12 noon to 2 pm on all three campuses Where? N.W. Campus - Mon., March 24 / Rm. # 105 Richmond - Tues. ,March 25 / Rm, # 120 Surrey - Mon., March 26./ Rm. # 407-C & D COFFEE and Be ES c8e7'G U S Ten. Mor .a4- ARE YOU INTERESTED IN ANTHROPOLOGY OR THE FIELD OF SOCIAL THE FOLLOWING IS DESIGNED TO GUIDE YOU IN YOUR INTERESTS. SOCIAL SEC aE. NICSE Ss Concerns 1itSelt with the social scientists who deal with the transmission and communication of knowledge and information on human social behaviour. Covers occupations such as anthropolo- gists, economists, historians, political scientists, social psychologists, sociologists, social statisticians, social geographers and social workers. YOU'LL FIND IT A SOCIABLE FILM! {