www.theotherpress.ca Opinions. Like a virgin, but not Like a virgin, but not Virginity as a socially- constructed fallacy By Natalie Serafini, Opinions Editor ating life is peppered with the internal and external negotiations on a certain commodity: sex. More notably in youth, this involves negotiating the loss of virginity. Although your first time is said to be “special,” and “should be with someone special,” it shrinks when stacked up against the rest of your times to come, and the disproportionate significance it’s been given has made giving away your V-card more of a social fallacy than anything else. This isn’t to say that the establishment of your relationship with sex doesn’t matter at all, or that you should hand it over to the next person you talk to. I’m tossing in this disclaimer, but obviously it’s a good idea to always make sexual choices that are safe and that you feel comfortable with. What makes having sex right for one person could make having sex wrong for another, so the decision to pop or not pop that cherry is a personal one. Returning to why first times aren't that big a deal, the term “losing your virginity” seems steeped in faulty language. You don’t lose anything from the experience, but stating it in such negative terms sets a corresponding tone. The supposed loss communicates that you become less and less pure with each additional conquest, and that there’s an initial fall from grace the moment you bump uglies. Personally, I don’t put much stock in purity, and there’s little chance that using a part of your body in the way it was intended will result in a horrible decline in character. Much like it doesn’t initiate the gradual decay in your morality, sex doesn’t change you in other ways, either. We giggle our way through tween and young adulthood seeing sex as some sort of sexy bar or bat mitzvah where we'll emerge a new man or woman, but that’s not the case. You don’t actually undergo a metamorphosis, few cry from the pure emotion of it all, and you don’t gain a certain special je ne sais quoi. First times are portrayed in teen dramas and books as life- changing, but it’s unlikely that anyone matures or drastically changes based on this single, hopefully positive, event. Maybe because of the supposed weight of it all, there are certain “requirements” for that first time which are stated as fact for all people and situations. If I think of those teen dramas and novels, the questions posed in these situations are not “Do you know that you want to have sex with this person?” or “How comfortable are you with your relationship?” but “Do you love them?” The statement isn’t just “Be safe,” but “Your first time should be with someone you love.” I call shenanigans on this emphasis on love. If you're waiting for “The Love of Your Life,” you could be waiting a long time, if not forever. Moreover, the qualifier “Someone you love” is indefinite—how to differentiate them from someone you care a lot about, or even a bit about? You know when you want to sleep with someone; love and experience, or lack thereof, needn't be deciding factors in whether or not you get it on. Besides which, if you want to have sex with someone, chances are you care about them, and you don’t need to define further than that. Having sex is a neutral action that can be tainted or aided by context, whether it’s your first time or your thousandth, but it seems it’s only ever portrayed in a select few lights. One of these lights involves a long and melodramatic, possibly tragic, plot. More mildly, girl meets boy, girl likes boy, girl sleeps with boy, boy loses girl’s number. More dramatically, girl gets pregnant. Or chlamydia. And dies. While I acknowledge that these should all be concerns, they shouldn't stop you from A multicultural alternative to multiculturalism Multiculturalism has failed in the preservation of cultures By Idrian Burgos, Contributor here’s no doubt multiculturalism serves as an important pillar in current Canadian ideology. According to this pillar, no culture is better than the rest. Rather than the “melting pot” ideology of the United States, where all immigrant cultures are “melted” into a single national identity, Canada, since Pierre Trudeau, has chosen the “mosaic” option of all cultures being equal and celebrated. You can celebrate your English, French, Indian, Chinese, or whatever identity you were born with. You don’t need to assume the culture of the dominant society or pretend to be a member of that society. Multiculturalism has led to the widespread celebration of Canada’s numerous ethnic identities and has, to an extent, successfully helped with the integration of immigrants into this country, allaying fears of its threat to national identity. Multiculturalism has indeed become part of our national identity, and it’s hugely celebrated. The problem here is that it actually does a disservice to the cultures it’s supposed to protect, and to their preservation and celebration in Canada. First of all, I disagree with having a Canadian version of the melting pot. It’s quite funny to see the “Canadian values” all Canadian immigrants must adopt, with their law and order, parliamentary democracy, and human rights principles— essentially no different from the “American values” all American immigrants are required to adopt. The danger lies either in the domination of minority cultures by the majority culture, like in Quebec, or the subsuming of all cultures to an incomprehensible set of values. While the melting pot certainly isn’t a good model for dealing with immigrants, multiculturalism is no better of a model. One problem with multiculturalism is its trivialization of cultures. Messages encouraging the celebration of culture intend things like food or dance. The deeper beliefs and values found in every culture aren't much discussed. When they are, it’s often for the sake of that culture’s promotion. Not much is done to set these values against the context of a new land, to plant these cultural beliefs in a different soil— with the historic exceptions of the English, French, and Aboriginal cultures, which were “Canadianized.” The transplanted cultures from Ukraine and Japan remain Ukrainian and Japanese in their new place—not much transformation in accordance with different conditions or a limited degree of “Canadianization.” Trivialization insults cultures, while self-preservation prevents them from participating fully in Canadian society. Other problems with multiculturalism are its relativization of cultures and failure to provide a larger, unifying identity. The former stems from multiculturalism’s cultural equality principle, the latter from multiculturalism’s cultural-centrism. The distinct characteristics each culture can contribute alone to society are dampened by the “all cultures are equal” rule. The encouragement to celebrate your culture and other cultures leads to celebration of “culture” alone, without providing a larger framing identity under which all cultures can swear allegiance, having sex if they’re addressed beforehand—and afterwards. If you get chlamydia, make sure you address that afterwards, too. These cautionary tales function more or less to prevent people from becoming sexually active. When you're bombarded with the idea that when you have sex you will lose your partner (all the worse if you’ve waited for The Love of Your Life) / get pregnant/ get chlamydia/ die, all of this adds up to the subconscious understanding that you'll be punished for a loss of virginity and purity. Sometimes sex is an important, life-changing experience, but until you’ve lived out your life, it’s hard to discern which moments changed it. For the time being, sex isn’t about having a life- changing experience—or at least, it’s not about going in search of one. It’s about having sex with who you want to because you both want to. Sex, whether it’s your first time or your hundredth, doesn’t need to be more complicated than that. coexist peacefully, and play important roles in a continuing narrative of nation. And Trudeau’s liberalism doesn’t qualify. The melting pot keeps cultures under a dominant force. Multiculturalism emphasizes culture to the point where both culture and the territorial reality beyond it are endangered. Can an alternative that does true justice to cultures and ensures the survival of a country exist? Sir John A. Macdonald encouraged Canadians to be Canadians above all. Thomas D’Arcy McGee saw that the Irish can only be Irish under a tolerant constitutional monarchy. Joe Clark talked of a “community of communities.” A strong state identity can provide stability and a sense of purpose for the cultures under it. Each culture should contribute its best values to national identity, reshaped by local peculiarities. This combination of general identity and specific cultural contributions can best serve the welfare of smaller communities and of the larger community. 1/