Biher Press Volume 23 © Issue 8 * November 4 1998 Room 1020-700 Royal Avenue New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 Fax 525.3505 or 527.5095 David Lam Campus Room a3107 Phone 527.5805 The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous student newspaper. We've been pub- lishing since 1976. The Other Press is run as a non-hierar- chical collective, which means that if anything goes wrong, blame it on Trent. The OP is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters afid monthly [as a magazine] during the sum- mer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected every semester at registra- tion, and from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student newspapers from across Canada. We adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics. The Other Press reserves the right to choose what to pub- lish, and what not to publish, but usually we print every- thing, unless it is racist, sex- ist or homophobic. If you have any quibbles with what we choose, maybe you should get your lazy butt down here and help. Coordinators Athletics ~ Hamish Knox Athletics Assistant: Culture ~ Jochen Biertumpel a& Culture Assist: Coquitlam ~ Lorenzo Sia Cog. Assist: Holly Keyes CUP Liaison ~ Cathy Tan CUP Assist: Jennifer Swanston Distribution ~ Pierre Florendo Dist. Assist provided by: Features ~ Annette Martin Feature Assist: News ~ Homan Sanaie news @op. douglas. News Assist: OP/Ed ~ Tom Laws opinions @op. douglas. OP\Ed Assist: Dunnohername Photography ~ Dave Tam photo@op.douglas. Photo Assistant: Kristina Holtz Production ~ Joanna Cole Production Assistants: Webslinger ~ Mark Smeets op_web@op.douglas. Web Assistant: Employees Advertising ~ John Morash Bookkeeping ~ Zahra Jamal Production Resource ~ Joyce Robinson Editorial Resource ~ Corene McKay Contributors New Westminster: Jason Humber, Jason Rochon, Johnson Tai, Terry Glavin, the Martlet, Holly Keyes, Tom’s Chemistry Homework, Court Caldwell, Jonesy, Sean Clark, Gweny Wong, Reverend Tomassina, Pepsi, Mickey & Mallory, Erin Gawne, Jamie Woods, Derek Chezzi, Jennifer Sim. David Lam: . REVEREND TOM Tasteless. That's about the only word one can use to describe the hea What ome of message are we sending to the youth of today? That if you want to become a stripper, impact of strippers lute the environment. The same stuff that sweet, innocent shore dwelling animals are killed or maimed by. By flaunting this horrible sights seen during any trip to a stripper bar. If you are ever to venture into one of these clubs, your morality will be questioned. Your sense of good taste will be questioned, not to mention the thousands of ethical standards that will be jeopardized as your faith in humanity will be completely stripped naked, raped and dismembered. And all because strippers don't respect the environment. Take the boots worn by all of the dancers seen at a down- town strip club whose name cannot be printed here (but which has a number larger than four but smaller than 6 and has a word with which no other) word can rhyme. It also has'the’ in the title). The boots were not the size of sneakers, or hiking boots, but knee high versions made completely of leather. Leather! That beautiful bovines were scrapped merely so that the professional young women could look their best while performing. This writer blames society's callous attitude towards nature. Where have the times gone when we lived in har- mony with mother earth and her creatures, rather than exploiting Srirnk PPTs a Letter Dear Editor, Please do something about your “sports” section. I don’t know what's worse: the uninspired take on the “baseball's not a sport, it's men scratching Disagree with Devil's Advocate? Hate Reverend Tom? Have an opinion on someone elses opinion? Write It down and sond it te the OF Room 1020 Hew West campus or A3107 David Lam campus er f-mail submit@ep.deagias You can't wait to write us your opinion We can't wait to tell you you're wrong! themselves” cliché, or the heart-felt eulogy to a professional wrestler (dead over a year, I might add) that follows two pages later. you have to destroy another living creature? That even though a young heifer never had a chance at life, that’s okay? This indifference will be revealed for what it is when the fiery, apocalyptic Armageddon comes crashing down. To complement the cowhide boots, plastic skirts are also employed to costume the strippers. As is common knowledge, plastic is made from processed crude oil. The same stuff we use in our cars to pol- ? ® all then to serve up that kind of irony. Love, A faithful reader Seriously, better to not have a sports section at atrocity, it becomes apparent that these women ] not only condone the action of the | corporate bigwigs, | but also embrace | the eradication of in plain view is to bring the environ- | mentalist lobby to | a grinding halt and to possibly set | the movement dd back twenty years. Why bother with concerns for mother nature when there's a profit to be made? Why worry about the caustic chemi- cals released while refining the oil when we can make a buck or two? Heaven forbid we should have some standards to pass on to our children. Rather, why don’t we let the world come to a fiery apocalyptic end with humanity being Purolated to hell in a basket made of cow flesh and petroleum byproducts! Upon closer inspection, the strip- pers’ undergarments too posed a I usetto live in Your sTomacu! Response Note from editor: In fact, if you look closely, the wrestling stories are in the Culture section, not the Sports section. We realize that “Sports” and “Culture” are spelled very similarily, and sound identical when pro- nounced. I assure you, appropriate measures are being taken to deal with this problem. Thank you for your letter. threat to decent peoples everywhere. More than 99% of the time such undergarments, while being very pretty and functional simultaneousl are made of cotton. Cotton that ma have been picked so many years ago by slave labour. This blatant adver- tisement for a by-gone era in which humans demoralized one another c only be interpreted as the loose morals employed by the people of this trade. And as if promoting slav. ery were not enough, textologists have uncovered proof that the Nazi party used cotton in their uniforms when trying to take over the world. Thus, cotton becomes the antichrist and strippers promote such degrada. tion to make themselves into some sort of unholy army doing the devil’ bidding. A trip to any strip club will reveal that strippers are almost solely responsible for the havoc being wreaked upon the environment right now. And to set foot into such a bar is to peer into the window of the heartless soul of the stripper. The trees which grow to support our life are hacked apart to make the stages upon which they perform, the feath- ered boas from nearly extinct bird species, the makeup made in facto- ries spewing out toxins into the air, and so much more. Strippers are evil for so many reasons. Luckily, being naked isn't one of them. Page 2. November 4 1998 The Other Press