Page 8 3 The Other Press, December 9th, /982 Red Ho b D h Intense drama surrounds the Se regaibings of - Red Hot Video stores in the Lower Mainland. oe qT eee Responsibility is cliamed by..a group called the . ‘“Wimmin’s 283 Beige apis i 3 7 1 : 1 Wdi I am inttigued by this desperate behavior, which The public eye has focused on film clips of burning buildings, ee ee : applauded. r rubble and damage. There’s talk about the owner’s freedom to So what makes this article any different from everything else that’s a said? The fact is, I 2 ‘ ‘ ‘i 1 i believe, most have missed the point. run his business, censorship and violence. How unlike us to be eS ae burning buildings, rubble and damage. There’s ~ violent, we are told! Really? ¢ talk about the owner’s freedom to run his business, ET censorship and violence. How unlike us to be violent, we are told! Really? On Wednesday, November 24th, the ‘‘Vancouver Show‘ ‘(cable channel 13) broadcast a debate, that examined the events. The program segment called ‘‘Forum’’ was hosted by Laurier ne 8 Pr Sat ROARS f : - seemed to be the first serious attempt, from the i pee OKAY, 5O l S Vi 17 P, AAT H / ZE 3 media, to get at the substance of the Fire Brigade’s actions. What IS the main issue? BU e / STILL THINK, YOUR TACTICS The thrust of the Wimmin’s Fire Brigade is that A RE A /T Ti M E : they are fed up with violence against women, by 8 oI xX RE men, in Canada, as is evident in, but certainly not ; limited to, video material, and the seeming indifference with which protest is treated. Three disputable issues seem to arise from this. One of these is censorhsip. The fundamental principle and argument is that no one should judge and thereby decide what I can read or watch. After all, I’m an adult, I can decide for myself, right? Secondly, there’s the notion of free enterprise. The owner of Red Hot Video has a basic right to make a» buck. The third issue is pornography. There is a real and valid concern that women are shown in . Submissive roles, dominated by, and frequently abused by men. How then, are women’s concerns about porno- graphy and violence against them being handled? Not very well, it would seem. Fair or not, censor laws are not being fully enforced. Apparently, Red Hot Video had material in it’s possession that was not subjected to censor. The Fire Brigade is very concerned that government action is slow. Hardly a _ new phenomenon. Is this an issue however, that we must hand government- totally, partly, not at all? I wouldn’t burn down a building to demonstrate my anger, but consider for a moment the frustration that was behind the Brigade’s actions. I can’t condone it, but I can understand it. But why destroy a video shop, and not say, the corner store where one can buy the latest Penthouse, Playboy, bondage magazine, etc.? LaPierre, on ‘‘Forum’’, raised a similar question. The answer is, that video is utterly explicit in intent, and like television, leaves a demonstrable impres- sion. The notion that violence against women is O.K., is for kicks, and entertainment is graphically reinforced. Frightening, when you think about it.