Pe Page 2 = vancouver (CUP) - The British Columbia govern- ment is threatening to re- duce financing to Simon Fraser University because of its high foreign students population. Foreigners should not be counted in ‘enrolment fi- gures when the govern- ment’s operating grant is allocated, universities min- inster Pat McGeer said March 24. Universities have been accepting many for- eign applicants ‘‘to get their ‘body count up,”’ for greater funding, said Mc- Geer. McGeer’s_ proposal is aimed at SFU’s 1,100 for- eign students, about 11 per cent of the undergraduate population. Both the Un- iversity of British Columbia and the University of Vic- toria have foreign student populations of only two per cent. McGeer called on the Universities Council of B.C. a regulatory buffer between the provincial government and the universities, to implement his new funding restrictions. Council chair Bill Gibson said he will have McGeer’s scheme introduced at next month’s meeting. ‘‘There is considerable public pressure building up in this province,’’ said Gib- | son. ‘‘But no one would Immigrants Out! worry about foreign stu- dents attending as long as they paid their full way.’’ SFU officials are current- ly considering a plan to establish quotas on foreign students according to their country of origin. More than half of SFU’s current foreign students are from Hong Kong and Malaysia. rc 636 SIXTH AVE. TAS i PYLE ng’ When You're ey te CMa te ATTY ey a) ee) o The Other Press continued from Page 1 Student Society President Kevin Hallgate said after the meeting ‘‘no matter what we do tuition is going to go up and summer school will be cut.’’ The Student Society will try to save the summer semester, however, by re- commending the College Board to raise the student fees to $15 instead of the recommended $14 per cred- it. The rpoblem with this is that if the board agrees to Its special taste made it famous. eee tae hold summer school, in- stead of raising the fees, and if the budget for the college shows later that the college can not afford sum- mer school(even with the tuition increase) then the board can assume that the students can pay the extra money without having the summer semester. ““We end up looking bad because if we agree toa $3 per credit increase and if we accept the $14 and no summer school.’’ said. Hall- gate.‘‘It will be the first Aprii 1st to April 14th, 1982 time that a Student oo has agreed to a tuition fee increase. ’’ DCSS Vice President Seana Hamilton expressed concern that this be under- stood as way to have sum- mer school and that Doug- las students be recognized as having paid for thier summer education. Hallgate said of what he can do to the College Board ‘1 or council can make them look awful stupid but thats about it.’’