srrown continually and it is now offered at over 900 post secondary institutions in the United States and at over 50 Canadian Institutions. Douglas College has already applied for federal funding for Co-op Ed, conducted its first market research project and is preparing apolicy state- ment for guiding the Co-op Ed program. To become involved in the new Co-operative Education option at Douglas College interested students and employers should contact Barbara Franck. - DOUGLAS COLLEGE NEWS SERVICES Reminder Applications for Graduation - Spring 1986 Please be reminded that all students qualifying for graduation must apply to graduate. Applications for Graduation are located in the Office of the Registrar. Applications will be accepted until February 3, 1986. Joan Murdoch worthy students are to be submitted by the faculty to the Student Socicty. Twelve names will then be selected by the Student Society from those submitted. Faculty - If there isa student whose name you would like to put forward for a free one-day pass, please advise the Student Society. Students - If you are interested in attending, please ask your instructor to inform the Student Society. Once the 12 names have been submitted the the College President by the Student Society, Bill Day will contact the Executive Director of the World Congress. Upon receipt, the passes will be distributed through the Student Society. Would you please ensure that you have made your interest known to the Student Society no later than Friday, November 29th. Terry Clement, Acting College President Note: See the following two pages for more information. Attention All Faculty and Students The World Congress on Education & Technology From May 22 - 25, 1986, The World Congress on Education & Technology will be held in Vancouver. Colleges and universities are being provided with a number of free student passes. Douglas College has been asked to select 12 students to attend the sessions on May 22nd. The letter from the World Congress is attached. The Student Society has agreed to assist us in the selection of Douglas College student representatives. Names of interested and For Sale Narrow -keyed (and thetefore light weight) two- voice 120 bass accordian $100.00 Rebounder $40.00 York weight set $45.00 Wrought iron spiral plant stand $15.00 For more information contact Val MacBean, Social Sciences Dept., Room 3448, SS ————