MAD HATTER PAGE 9 | DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES - TO ALL EMPLOYEES: FISCAL YEAR-END MARCH 31, 1982 In preparation for year-end we ask your co-operation in the following: (A) INVOICES ! Please return all approved invoices I to the Purchasing Department as | promptly as possible. Should there be any queries or inaccuracies on i invoices, please call so that we ; are able to complete changes that will affect year-end figures. (B) REQUEST FOR HONARARTA, EITC. Please have all requests for pay- ments for services to be rendered prior to year-end, completed and forwarded to the Accounting De- partment by March 26, 1982. , (C) EXPENSE REPORTS Please have all reports for expenses | incurred prior to and including March 19, 1982, submitted for ap- proval by March 23, 1982. | (D) PURCHASE REQUISITIONS Please have all approved requisi- tions for the 1981/82 Budget year to the Purchasing Department by March 15, 1982. We also ask that all Deans, Directors and Supervisors forward the approved expense reports to the Accounting Department for processing by MARCH 26, 1982. LATE SUBMISSIONS FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE MAY BE CHARGED AGAINST THE 1982/83 BUDGET. t EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES DOUGLAS COLLEGE requires COMMUNITY PROGRAMMERS : For more information please refer to job posting outside Personnel Office or contact the Community Programs and Services Division at 525-9211. Closing date: March 26, 1982 DOUGLAS COLLEGE requires a CONSTRUC- TION MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTOR: For more information please refer to job posting outside Personnel Office. Closing date: April 16, 1982 LADNER DISTRICT, CO-OPERATIVE PRE- SCHOOL (MOTHER GOOSE) requires a TEACHER: September to May morning program for 3 to 4 year old children. Applicants must be fully qualified and registered with Community Care Fac- ilities or eligible for Commmity Care licence. Apply in writing to Mrs. E. Turkington, 5161 Central Ave. Delta, B.C. V4K 2H1 (946-2235). State education, experi- ence and supply references. KIWASSA NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES ASSOCIA- TION requires a CHILD CARE WORKER FOR HEARING IMPATRED CHILDREN: JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: 1) To lead a social development group (cont'd)