Unattached And Over 40! The Challenges Facing Formerly Married Women In the context of International Women's Year, the Department of National Health and Welfare, the YWCA and the United Way have sponsored a research project to explore the interests, needs, problems and attitudes of women between the age of 40 and 60, who have been married, but due to separation, divorce or widowhood are no longer married. We would like to interview as many women as possible from the whole Vancouver area, from various ethnic and social backgrounds. This form is available from all organizations which address some or all of their services to women, as well as from information centres, libraries, and firms employing a large number of women. All the interviews, conducted by a specially trained women interviewer, will take place in complete confidentiality, at a time and place convenient for the women who volunteered for the study - the YWCA office, in her own home or, for instance, in a quiet coffee shop. We hope that the interviews will enable us to identify the interests, needs and problems of this group of women and that we will be able to make suggestions regarding information, services and/or activities which would satisfy their interests, help them solve their problems, and generally meet their needs. We will let you know the results.of the Study. hae Willing to be interviewed, please contact us at ‘the YWCA office, either by phoning 683-2531 local 254 or by filling in the form#elow and sending it to Anne Moore, YWCA, 580 Burrard Street, Vancouvgr V6C 2kK9. LE ¥o We are looking forward to talking to you. Detach along this line Se EE NS EE EE OL YT LS NE Se SS ES Ne LS Se SE TS RO Se NE SE RS SOY Ye NE ET ee cee Se GED Cee I SEN IUD SY EY WY Pe Ce OO meee TER Su MEER SO ES ee ERD Te Oey te Ge OE ee I wish to participate in the research project concerned with unattached women. Please contact me to make an appointment. First name Lest name (not necessary) Phone number: Day Evening