C274 WAT o1n ballad about knowing the romance is over when “smoke gets in your eyes” couldn't «~2 be mare timely today, Nonsmokers arc up in arms over the tobacco smoke that gets in their eyes and the air they breathe, According to one cnrrent nonsmokers’ slogan, “Smoking should be confined to consenting adults in private.” The U.S, Surgeon General's 1964 report on smok- ing outlined the health hazards for smokers and led to the warning label on cigarct packages and printed advertising and a ban on TV cigaret commercials, Nevertheless, more people than ever are: smoking cigarets today, Now antismoking ecampaiims are focusing on the right of nonsmokers to a tohacco- smoke-free environment in public places. Therein lies a controversy, as one physician put it. over “the rights of the nonsmoker to ‘clean’ air versus the rights of the smoker to enjoy a product consumed by man for centuries,” Smoking involuntarily Tue Surgeon Gencral’s report in 1972 and later studies indicate nonsmokers have reason for com- plaint, if not alarm. Here's what the scientific evi- dence has revealed to date, In certain circumstances a nonsmoker becomes what the scientists call a passive or involuntary smoker. By the very act of breathing in the company of smokers, the nonsmoker is exposed ta many of the same substances in tobacco smoke that the smoker is, although in much smaller doses, The kind of tobacco smoke that makes involuntary smokers of nonsmokers js called sidestream: smoke. That's the smoke that curls directly into the sir from the buming end of a cigaret or cigar or from a pipe bowl. The smoke that is drawn throuch the tebacce by the smoker is mainstream smoke, and it, too, 3s exhaled into the air. But the inhalingt smokers body is, alas, a very effective filter, trapping abacet all of the particulate matter and over halt of the carbow September 1975 GHABGIIG Tih S17 eatin : se Wet ts a ate © t 200 CES “ . Le ety, , sins tans pe : et thE eet = vs pe ENTER tte oe eA ae: 4 we ‘ i. ® . . 02% Me eres +% nea a re . ahh, BROS se so ae a Ny, oer S: 1g etabe he o,teotehe monoide in the inhaled smoke before it's released into the air. Sidestream smoke contains over 1,000 gaseous and particulate components, Cf these, carbon monoyide apparently has the srroatest potential for harm, thongh at this port oil of the sub-tances have not been studied, One experiment, deseribed in the Sur- geon General’s L972 veport, tested the levels of car bon ronoside reiting from high concentrations of burning (obacco-- 32 eigarets smoked within 16 to 16 minutes oy nine efyers in GO to 35 minutes ia an une ventilated, J2-by-14-foot roam, If a nonsmoker were expowd fo the resulting carben monaxide level for 27 to W mimes, his auditory discrimination, visual acuity aud al’ ity to distinguish relative brightness cota be A yore recent pilot tindy by twa larvard scien- iists of actual toh ceo-smoke concentrations in vari- aus pobiic places found that nonsmokers could po tenticily consume the equivalent cf from Mars to Voo ch a fier clued per hour in indeor public places where offers were snaking, Sot surprisingly, the hisin st avecu (ane ce a ‘eoncentrathut S tohgece sn ko t ONCeMPatUt G. LRIECO STIOKC was fond Syeer i teth toutes. The oat highest con- contesting we on a careitates bus. The lawest con- cent ting! twas ji a bis waiting room, probably Rati Vay ynsrate V1