DOUGLAS COLLEGE INTER OF FICE MEMO TO: FROM: ALL FACULTY AND STAFF an September 10/74 AREAS OO! LEGE LIGR William L. Day, Chairman, eC RRGRIVES Executive Committee. PUBLICITY OF COLLEGE ACTIVITIES On Wednesday, August 28th, the Executive Committee approved for immediate implementation the attached Recommendation dated August 26, 1974. In summary: A. The very strict controls involving publicity in newspapers and other mass media, have been greatly reduced. B. In future, persons desiring publicity shall submit requests to the Continuing Education office. To the degree that you can prepare publicity materials yourself, Ken Moore's office will see to it that it is sent out via routine distribution channels to the weekly newspapers, the Columbian, and the Vancouver dailies. C. If you wish material prepared or specific publicity activities to be arranged such as photography, then these again should be directed to Ken Moore's office, and you will have to take your chances, as we have only a limited amount of time available to carry out such activities. D. Ken Moore shall have "day-to-day" authority regarding allocation of time spent by the publicist on different projects. Cases of major dispute over priorities may be referred by the individual involved to W.L. Day for reference to the Executive Committee. E. It must be clearly understood that this arrangement is temporary, as we plan to shift the publicity function to the Media Resources Department as soon as Graydon Roberts, Manager, indicates readiness to assume this function. bos WLDAY/rg