COMICS 19 MEDIUM LARGE hy Francesco Marciuliano WELL, 2M aust \| [Stint, rr ALWAYS HELPS] [THE Rock ‘EM Sock ‘EM YOU MAKE A BUILDING ON WHAT TO HEAR ANOTHER ROBOTS RECONCILE. — LU A PARENT THINK TOM ADT IAS) sos , _ You look like a piece of... POOPY! better Shut up! have a good / punch line phe y \ oo - 1 ho. ifs white ninia bv Scott Bevan Major Studio Production wy vince via N well, sf you're not mY son, ther where is 9 he? aA C§O Cs = awkw ard. 4.3 é ay I’m weating XY him. ( Lene Nie _ ewer) 2 i http: //majorstudioproduction. blogspot. com