Other Press January 21, 1987 = Page 7 Les Autre FUNNiEs Td like to take Hailey’s Com 353 The Comic Zone Wert, CLass,Now THAT You'vE GoT YouR MARKS FOR THE FIRST SEMESTER, I'D LIKE To HEAR WHAT You INTEND JO Do THis Senectia t = I'm GOING TO KEEP I'm Goine To sTuby l'm GowNG To START myx \NOTes More A Littce BIT EACH v ORGANIZED . DAY INSTEAD OF ee aA You. mean the Course that the University can onl afford to offer once every 0 grs.f LEAVING IT ALL To Yeah , that one. You interested? I don't have +he prerequisites ‘re “offered ir Gltedaadis decades Gt ATIONAL FACE STRETCH - PAT QUINN SCHOOL OF LAwl M lord, the defendaut }$ AS meek and as harmless as a Patrik Sundstrow body check; he shov ld be set Mlor-d te dePendaut deserves the har shest- ponisument the is court can mete out: Canucks Season 5 Ticketsl Lesson #41332 EY) Conflict of Interest: ARDS LOOK LIKE AND WHERE THEY LIVE. Mixed Witz ©1985 G.Longley UP UNTIL THAT FATEFUL 3 MONDAY , WOLFGANG HAD NOTHING AGAINST TOMATOES OR FRUITS DEAR MRS. KOWALCHUK: | HAVE SCHEDULED SUNDAY MORNINGS BETWEEN IO. AND M1 o'clock AS A PERIOD OF FROTHING INsaNiTy yy FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY PLEASE DONoT ENTER le 6) THANK You Graphic/ The Varsity wT, Ps 7 TDS ee War aes raced A Se ~~ & 11 2, Mr. Sandman, Sendme a a, Dream. Sweetest dream f +hat I ever Seen.... Gee bob ‘ hows Te eR stg <> [7S The only time a gry can buy lingerie at Eaton's without gettin Funny looks from the oly \ad ies/ backers ds tech . gates. ©1997 Crown CL Cer PADDY MAX VERN the ANDREWS BROTHERS Christmas holiday questions, Bob comes to school prepared.