Mad Hatter Page 4 d ene during the Vane ee ai Ellen Phillips are pleased | as can be with their daughter Pat’s ac- ting: career. Pat, who grew up in New Westminster, was active in both high school and Vagabond theatre produc- tions. But ‘Wednesday night her rents watched her performance in t e¢ movie Bayo. It played at the Hollywood theatre as part of the Vancouver International Film Festival. — ) Set in Newfoundland, it is the story : ofa grandfather’ s love for his grand- ‘son and his reconciliation with his daughter (Pat). from The Royal City Record, saa ueany: May 25, 1985. be it inthe | major theatres in Canada and was — trained at the Canadian Fin nd HN hasan treal. yy thr Pat has performed in in soa on the Theatre in Montreal. Last y year she | won an Actra Award for best actress _ in the radio play The Diviners by Margaret Laurence. She was also [ nominated last year for best suppor- ] ting role in the TV. play Passion of the | Patriots, part of the trilogy Some . Honorable Gentlemen. Pat teaches at the Canadian Na- fm Theatre and is. co-editing a ilm. : i ! i as ee sd eit \