page 20 ASILLY ARTICLE THAT ISSOMEWHAT DATED ABOUT SPRING FERTILITY RIGHTS | AND SACRIFICING VIRGINS If the twentieth of March started a slight conspiracy within your glands and. you had to fight off a strange by SOME IDIOT desire to remove your cloth- ing and run through the woods then you may be one’ of the few million every year, to experience what is com- monly labeled ‘‘Spring Fever.’’: ; Biologist Marcus Tonier explains:’‘I don’t think | would be irresponsible . in saying that we are all affect- ed by the shift in seasons, especially the beginning of the Spring season. Man is animal and relies ‘on his instincts quite frequently although he tends to ration- alize his reasons. Geomag- netic influences have been studied and tested on lower ~ forms of life, exhibiting some very positive results. Why should man be any different? Students around Douglas were asked if they had experienced any unusual events or alterations in their own behaviour. Tony Ricci explored some unusually hostile elements. “| destroyed a bar last Friday night,’’ Ricci says,’’! really don’t know how it started. | never even thought about it. He gave me the wrong beer, | never even asked for it, he got really mad.’ Some students experien- ced some quirkish behaviour as did Sheila Ditto. ‘| said to this guy that | was - suffering from a_ chronic case of Spring Fever and he said ‘C’mon over to my house.’’ Strangely enough P.R. men from Riverveiw hospital and the local R.C.M.P. were unavailable for comment Anevening aboard the 3 See ; ; CONGRATULATIONS f M.V. Brittania, music by you HAVE JUST Roscoe’s, two floors of : ‘dancing, cold buffet for 400, |< Notice: This publication has been censored for your reading enjoyment. It contains only two cunts, a foreskin, and a clitoris. And, since they only appear in this intro- duction, you are past them now. Thank you. student “year en a art y 2 Ty SCANDALS NIGHT SPOT 535 Front St., New Westminster 524-6511 ~~" This party-is for everyone = MONDAY APRIL 30 WITH 7-9pm Early Bird Specials ($1.75) * oo dress required see 171) st be over 19 years old | a $5.09 ADMPP" c= The Sports Of All Sorts 6th Annual College Cruase How about a night you will remember for years to come? and a veritable TRUCKLOAD of door prizes sparc is UNAware nowever,or| Let Loose on Friday, April 20.8 WALLY'S ABSOLUTELY MINISCULE i TOLERANCE To ALCOHOL. Wear anything to do with sports. . ae WO 8 Digouttheold uniform or 3 tennis shoes and join the student society for an evening on the high seas. } o MUN ONE y \ : Yfff Tickets are available from most society reps or in the office. There is no purchase limit and guests are more than welcome.