The American Dream: two cars, a house, and a gun in your dresser drawer? Maybe owning a handgun is not exactly a dream, but is is fast becoming an American tradition. When the first lady of the United States is in the habit of keeping a tiny gun handy in her bedroom and little kids are receiving martial arts training in Atlanta, it becomes pons obvious that the gun mania is sweeping to its imits. No person can condemn people for wanting to protect themselves and their family but the fact remains that there are just too many guns lying around. There are other means of protection and they shoud be employed. A gun in every cupboard means that murder weapons are available for anyone caught up in moment of anger or hysteria or for an unstable person wanting to satisfy a whim. Gun control may not dent their use in organized crime, but will limit fatalities that occur just because a gun was at somebody’s fingertips. Hopefully, Ronald Reagan’s near assasination will awaken him to the need for strong gun contol. Too many presidents, celebraties, and ordinary people have found their end to be the result of a bullet. Gun control cannot be postponed any longer. But, of course, tradition is hard to change. The Other Press April 2, 1981 aha ee Celi ait Pe oe: NANCY’S So HANDY ARouM>P ~ TE HOUSE... UM SAVING \ THOUSAMA BY LETING ALL THE | SECURITY STAFF GO... / MENS HAIR DESIGN bring ad for Cathy 10% discount body waves Claudia specializing in french braiding streaks & henna short or long shag 4713 a Kingsway | 1 block west 3 of Simpsons Sears ph: 437-0112 come and see us now open 9-6 monday thru saturday