VIN ZAZA ZINIZ NA ZENS NGL eed ft Perea | ee _antin themmmeiatiindned Rqcaiany Fie Foes Pe tek wi Lo aati imate. Fh a ta i la tno V7 AZIZ INR Ce opm pfadt an et Ppl ah athe ah Pag tyre eee ¢, see Book Celebrates 20 Years It’s Here! A book commemorating the his- tory of Douglas College has finally arrived. Aptly called “20 Years of Making a Difference” the 64-page book is on sale at the College’s bookstore. The book was published by the Public Information Office as part of the College’s 20th Anniversary celebrations. sida nie eee cee hmeaet et | (604) 520-5400 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. Mailing Address: P.0. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 — —| ee = = n The gang of four students who know more reabout Douglas College | : than just about anyone: clockwise: Jeff McKeil, Kirsty Emsley, Four students worked from May 8 to August 18 to complete the Sue Fast and Theresa McManus. project, and in the process, learned pages which include graphics, all aspects of magazine production quotes, anecdotes and pictures of work, from researching and writing | significant events over the past 20 feature stories, to layout, design years. ea seep, ee Meanwhile, planning for the “At the beginning we ope 20th Anniversary celebration is to be able to eesihs the essence of well inderway. 80 far, totes An- September 12, 1989 Douglas College, not only the good niversary Steering Committee, led Journal requests input 2 times, but also the tough times,” by Gordon Gilgan, Dean of the said Public Information Officer Bill Academic Division, has approved Funds for Kwantlen campus Z Bell, who acted as editorial advisor 12 proposals for the fall semester, for the project. including an Alumni Association Governor General's award S “Looking at the finished Homecoming celebration October ‘ product, the book does exactly that. | 20and 21, International Week Oc- pes OS a 4 I know the people at Douglas Col- tober 2-6, a revival of Anne of lege who have made a difference Green Gables November 17 and a Briefs 4 over the past 20 years will enjoy special edition of Event magazine reading it and reminiscing about in December. Important dates 5 © the past.” Watch for more details about the Cake thi b The book contains 22 pages of 20th anniversary celebrations in fu- eee : feature stories about the history of ture editions of the Insider. ™ Innovation Abstracts 7 the College, and 38 highlight!