Psychiatric Nursing cont. Personality, Knowledge and a Commitment to Caring Required There is little time for students to work, and Reynolds recommends that all students have available financial resources to complete the course prior to entering Douglas College. A limited number of scholarships are available, and psychiatric nursing students have access to some bursaries. "We're a very people oriented profession and to be successful, a psychiatric nurse needs a special blend of personality, knowledge and a commitment to caring," says Dorothy Jennings, Executive Director of the RPNABC. For more information on this caring profession, contact the RPNABC at 294-9441 in Burnaby, or call the department of Nursing programs at Douglas College, 520-5400, in New Westminster. "It truly is a profession for people who care," Jennings says. - DOUGLAS COLLEGE NEWS SERVICES Open Learning Authority Announced Creation of an Open Learning Authority to co-ordinate and promote open learning in B.C. was announced in the March 11th Speech from the Throne. Legislation to establish the authority is expected to be introduced during the present legislative session. Douglas College has been briefed on developments to date by Dr. Walter Hardwick, Chairman of the Steering Committee struck to plan the Open Learning Authority. In his March 10 report to Board Chairman Mr. G.T. Trerise, Dr. Hardwick expressed a willingness to work with Douglas to develop and deliver open learning programs. Hardwick noted that commitment and contribu- tion of the post secondary system has created a B.C. open learning system recognized through- out the world. Success has been achieved in serving those who prefer to study in a non- traditional manner. However, due to some duplication of effort and lack of clarity in terms of mandate, the OLA is proposed to co-ordinate all aspects of open learning in the province. OLA will assume responsibility for functions now performed by the Open Learning Institute, the Knowledge Network and the Open University Consortium of British Columbia. It will ensure a continuum of educational programming relevant to offerings of schools, colleges, institutes, universities and upgrading of the work force, including professional development. The OLA Steering Committee has struck planning teams in four program sectors: Open University, Open College, Open Sector (General Education) and Open Learning Research and Consultation. Technology, course production, marketing, student services and space needs are also being studied. Experts identified by the Council of College and Institute Principals and University Academic Vice-Presidents are contributing to planning teams. "It's important to have the universities and institutes participate in the planning because they will be partners in the new system-wide open learning enterprise," said Hardwick. He noted it is the intent of both government and the Steering Committee to keep Douglas | College and others in the post-secondary system | informed about progress of the various activities. | He hopes for full and active co-operation and | collaboration as the new authority moves toward full operation. The original proposal for an Open Learning Authority was raised last July by the then Minister responsible, Patrick McGeer and Jack Heinrich. They asked the Boards of OLI and the Knowledge Network to give advice on formation of the OLA and to lead its planning and development. For further information contact: Dr. Walter Hardwick 2206 East Mall, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5 | 224-6511 or 1-800-663-1678 RRR A SB SS SD ARE TR PT NG NSAP oF PTT SS ON A