THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter ee ee eager the ae P.O. aes 2503, \ eee iditor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 Pe es st t i To: All College Personnel From: Janice Fri Systems & - cculation Librarian Re: Courier runs to Langley and Maple Ri ge The Library has extended the hours of operation of the AV Honda courier to include two r each week to both Maple Ridge and Langley, effective January 23, 1978. P : The counter, wi lily leave from the hs to D tees on 5 Mipeey ie Tiaragays If you wish to use the system, please send your mail with delivery instructions to Helen Haughton at the New Westminster Library. FOR SALE Resa os Bed Asking $100. ane Phone 588-2393 FOUND: books’ purchased