| October 19 1994 | CEN oor TE DS Other Press Educational Tutor Available for ESL 435-6125 Essay's marked $1.75/ page Personal Tennis Anyone? Hi! | recently played an afternoon of tennis (if you could call it that) and found it really great. But! don’t know any tennis players. If you play, I'm looking to play. | live near the college. David 526 - 6275. Marketplace The search goes on for the answer to the question “Would Elvis have his paper typed by That Printing Place?” Yes he would. And so should you. Call Sean or Marion at 432 - 1461. You'll be glad you did. l|kea pine and chrome coffee and end table set for sale call 540-1825 HELP WANTED Students Needed! Earn up to $2,000+ per month working for Cruise Ships or Land-Tour Companies. World Travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.). Seasonal and Full-Time employment available. No experience necessary. For more information call Oe (206) 634-0468 ET ext. C40471 . 1 bdr suite near SFU, very clean, quiet, spacious, Indry fac., $475/ month + 30% of utilities. call 937- 7910 Community Announcements Burnaby Volunteer Centre Are you knowledgable about contemporary art and have good communication skills? Art gallery needs volunteers to lead groups of students and/or adults through gallery. 2 Hrs/wk. days flex. Volunteer need to become a buddy for children or adults with autism. Be a friend and take a buddy to community events, leisure and hobby activities. Hrs flexible, months commitment. Do you have experience with computers, IBM, Mac, and Modems? Secondary school needs volunteer computer assistance to help set up equipment. Wkdays, Hrs flexible. Immigrant association in East Vancouver needs volunteer to assist ESL teachers. Tue, or Thr. 1315) =2°45pm-~_12°. wk commitment. Do you enjoy working with people and you interested in helping people? A self-help support society needs volunteer to train as facilitators for the self-helps groups. Sun. 7-10. Merchants association needs volunteer with desktop publishing experience to help produce newsletters and to do some CON'T general computer work. Experience with Macs, Pagemaker, Word, Excel is desired. Hrs. flexible. Contact Allison Felker: 294-0343 Burnaby Volunteer Centre Do you enjoy making and teaching crafts? Patient and friendly volunteers needed to teach seniors. Hrs flexible. 3 month commitment. Volunteer marketing consultant needed by national organization involved in education. Work involves helping design a marketing campaign for fundraising products. Flexible hrs. Do you have office skills, including computer experience, and a few hours a week to spare? Volunteer needed to help run office for children’s society. Hrs. 10-3pm, 1 or 2 days a week. Volunteer needed to help produce newsletter. Aldus pagemaker experience required, design and layout experience an asset. 3-4 Hrs/ wk, any weekday. Volunteer childcare assistants needed to help with preparation and running of spec. program for immigrant children in East Vancouver. Mon., Wed., or Fri, aprox. 3 Hrs. 3 month commitment. Friendly, enthusiastic volunteer needed to help senior residents with fun ball games and bowling. Saturday, 9:30 to noon. Contact Allison Felker: 294-0343 ® Teach \ Coordinate writing skills workshops ® Take minutes at meetings All interested are encouraged fo submit a resume and cover letter to: OR crop them off in our office, Room 1020 Other Publications Society is an equal opportunity employer HIRING The Other Press is currently accepting applications for RESOURCE PEOPLE ® Maintain Computers and Darkroom ® Teach Graphic Design and print media production ® Assist with layout and production of the Other Press all this and many more fun and exciting duties, even taking out the TRASH Both positions are part time @){Hours per week Wages are $9.25 per hour to start Relative experience or training a great asset CLASSIFIED FORM students, staff, faculty — FREE ° for-profit businesses — $3 for first 30 words, 10¢ a word thereafter ¢ first three words bolded free * extra bolds or italicizing 25¢ each word send to classified, c/o other press, box 2503, new westminster,bc v3l 5b2 or bring to room 1020, douglas college or fax to 527-5095 write your ad here ADVERTISING CON'T Volunteers need in many positions at senior care centre including historian to talk about Canadian historical events. Also needed, friendly tuck shop attendant. Hours can vary. Family agency requires a volunteer board member to help organize, plan and direct agency activities. 2nd Tues. evening of the month; 1 name student # category: O marketplace Qhousing QO educational OQ personals Ocommunity announcements CON'T yr. commitment. Contact: Allison Felker 294-0343 Bazaar Arts and Crafts - Bake Sale, White El- ephant Table Rental. Sat. Nov 26th 9am-4pm. At Eagles 1459 Hughes Ave. Blaine, Wa. For more info call (206) 366-3905 MY MARKETING CLASS... How I ect PURING IY CLASS... Hiring Committee Douglas College FAX: (604) 527-5095 The Other Publications Society #1020, 700 Royal Avenue New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 PECSs Don't you come visit us? We're Few and Lonely (but happy!) News, Feature, Sports Writers. Photographers, Editors, Graphic Artists. Heavy Drinkers. See your name in print. Room 1020, First Floor. yy - wv