tian pe some re page 14 Want to work overseas this summer? CFS-Services and Travel Cuts have lots of room in our U:K: program and limited space in our Belgium, New THE OTHER PRESS Zealand and Ireland programs. David Smith of SWAP ’s London (UK) office will will be speaking on campus and will have all the information. Time 12:00 noon. Date: Jan. 19, Room: 2201 (theatre) ass =h Dialogue on drinking Think about it. Talk ab@ut it. Take action. JOHN WOOD & OLYMPIC SILVER MEDALLIST Canada overseas this summer? “‘[ like the taste of a cold beer on a hot day, but | certainly don’t think you have to get the gang together with a couple of cases of beer just to celebrate the fact you've had a bit of exercise?” Health Sante et and Welfare Bien-étre social Canada Canada oa, Wednesday, Janiary 18, 1984 | Notes: From All Over (RNR/CUP)- A Southern California psychologist says being out of work is hard work...harder than holding down a full-time job. And as a result, says Susan Barstis, the unem- ployed need vacations as much or more than people with paychecks. Barstis says the stress of daily living is tougher on the jobless be- cause they must cope with the pressure of looking for work while trying to support a family. Since most people who are out of work cannot afford a ‘‘getaway’’ vaca- tion, Barstis recommends stay-at-home activities such as running, hiking, garden- ing, painting, or carpentry. (RNR/CUP)- What’s in a name? Not much, according to Don Celender. He conducted a survey of people whose names _des- cribed their work--like Mis- souri attorney Hugh Law, Washington architect Nor- man Wall, Ohio dentist Lacy Leon* Toothman, and Jack- Joe Barber, who cuts hair in Michigan. In all, 57 people respon- ded to his question as to whether they felt destined by their family name to enter their occupaitions. Not one said they had, but quite a few did say they thought it was a stupid question. .- AND THAT'S ¥j THE NEWS. This series of ads ap- peared in a Belfast newspa- per. MONDAY‘S AD: ‘‘The Rev. A.J. Garven has one a T.V. set for Mrs. Donnelly who lives with him cheap.’’ TUESDAY’‘S AD: ‘‘We re- gret any embarrassment to Rev. Garven caused by a typographical error in an ad in yesterday’s paper. It should have read: The Rev. A.J). Garven has one T.V. set for sale cheap. Tel 423- 571 and ask for Mrs.Donnel- ‘ ly who lives with him after 7 p.m.”’ -WEDNESDAY‘S AD: “Rev. Garven informs us that he had recieved several annoying phone calls be- cause of an incorrect ad in yesterday’s paper. It should have read: The Rev. A.J. Garven has one T.V. set for sale cheap. Tel 423571 after 7 p.m. and ask for Mrs. Donnelly who loves with him’’ 4 THURSDAY’‘S AD: | ‘‘Please not that I, Rev. A.J. Garven, have no T.V. set for sale. .| have smashed it. - don’t call 423571 anymore. | have not been carrying on with Mrs. Donnelly and un- til yesterday Mrs. Donnelly FRIDAY‘S AD: ‘‘Wanted, housekeeper, usual duties, good pay, love jin. Contact Rev. A.J. Garven Tel. 423- 571. - (from The Huror Church News) was my housekeeper.’’ | “" if DON’T BELLEVE A WORD oF rT.