no later than after three weeks of continu- ous sick leave. All personnel should be aware of this pro- cedure, aS it will assist them should they have to make a claim on this plan. We appreciate your co-operation and would ask that you contact us if we can be of any assistance. Bob Corbett Personnel Officer School District Gives Thanks (Excerpt of letter to Bill Bell from Coquit- lam School District No. 43, dated March 22, 1983) Please convey to Douglas College our appre- ciation for the support given to us during education month. The help we received in presenting the pub- lic education campaign to the people in our community was welcomed by the Board and we look forward to working with the College in the future to maintain a good education pro- gram in the school district. (Mrs. ) P.L. Homenick, Chairman, Board of School Trustees For Sale Girls/Boys Bike - Apollo make, yellow Good condition - suitable for 6-9 year olds Asking $50 also, Top Quality Garden Tools Imported from Denmark - Lifetime Guarantee Call Sue Skinner, loc. 4822 (Rm. 4820). a 1 A|L|L|A|G |H| A[N ID Mad Hatter Page 6 Solution to Last Week’s Crossword Puzzle C A V E| MIO Th |p EF R SE "NIG lo lp ¥ Pas AMO jw (OW |e 1m |r! Se