GUAL F - ACCESSIBILITY: FOR FUR THE COLLEGE WILL MAINTAIN PULICIES AND PRUCEDURES FUR AUMISSIUN AND CUURSE AND PROGRAM DELIVERY WHICH WILL ENSURE ACCESS TO PRUGRAMS MUST SEGMENTS IN THE ADULT PUPULATION UF THE CULLEGE KEGION, OBJECTIVE F:1 To maintain admission policies and procedures which do not unnecessarily restrict student access. UBJECTIVE F:2 To provide opportunities for students to upyrade knowledye ana skills which will enable them to qualify for admission to various courses and programs. OBJECTIVE F:3 To ensure maximum course and program accessibility by special groups. UBJECTIVE F:4 To provide educational opportunities for educationally disadvantayed adults whose personal circumstances restrict educational opportunity. QBJECTIVE F:5 To provide a comprehensive information service to the residents of the Colleye region.