In total, six types of bottom cover were found at the site, ranging from mud and sand to boulders and sheer rock faces. Each of these separate habitats serves as the environment for the enormous diversity of plant and animal life. The varieties were then recorded using transects, in Which the divers ventured out from 40 locations to count all life found in a quarter square metre grid plotted in a straight line to the 60 foot water level. The crew also seined and trawled for specimen identification, and some samples were taken for display at the Douglas College biology department laboratories. According to project supervisor Shipman, the most common species of fish in the eelgrass at Bedwell Bay are the siner perch, Bay pipe fish, pacific staghorn sculpin, spine sticklefish and other sculpins and perch. At the Belcarra site, the most abundant are staghorn sculpin, English sole and starry flounder. Trawling also brought to the surface shrimp, decorator crabs, algae and the occasional anenome. The most colourful animal species were tiger rockfish, painted greenling, buffalo sculpin, striped seaperch, clown shrimp, sunflower star- fish, anenomes, nudibranches and the giant red starfish. New Facilities Built if Given Approval If the proposed underwater park is given approval by the GVRD, new facilities will be built at Belcarra including diver access, boat stops, a boat launch, and an interpreter program to "bring the undersea world to all park visitors." Proposals to restrict underwater spearfishing and collecting have already been voiced. According to the survey crew, the objective of the marine park will be to preserve the ecology and numerous archaeological sites along the shoreline, to provide recreational use of the water with interpreter programs and to protect the area from incompatible use and development. The final report of the six crew members should be available to the public in November, and will outline Belcarra's history, and projected uses. The project will also publish an informational brochure that will be available at other GVRD parks. - DOUGLAS COLLEGE NEWS SERVICES Athletic Events Alumni Basketball Game Douglas College Women Vs. Douglas College Alumni Women 6:30 P.M. Douglas College Men Vs. Douglas College Alumni Men 8:15 P.M. Both Games are on October 18, 1985 in the Gym. Pub Night October 18, 1985 7:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M. Proceeds to go to African Famine Relief. Basketball Game (Gym) Men's Hockey Team Vs. Women's Basketball Team October 25, 1985 7:00 P.M. Pre-Halloween Get Together Staff and Faculty Get Together in the Lower Cafeteria from 4:00 - 6:00 P.M. on October 25. All the above events are sponsored by the Athletic Department. A