Med Hatter Page 4 The philosophy was first introduced in Europe during the turbulent 30's by Alfred Adler, A Viennese psychologist. It was brought over to North America in 1937 by Rudolf Dreikurs. One of the speakers will be Dr. Raymond Lowe, who studied under Driekurs. Lowe, a family counsellor and psychologist fran the University of Oregon will lead several workshops as well as be a presenter on the colloquium Teenage Depression and Suicide. Lowe will be joined by Dr. Roger Tonkin, an Associate Professor of Paediatrics at the University of B.C. and founder of the Adolescent Clinic at the Vancouver Chil- drens Hospital. Bill White, coordinator of Indian Education, Nanaimo School dis- trict will also be a presenter. The colloquium will use case studies with the presenters leading an in depth ex- ploration of depression, self-destructive acts and suicide among youth. Predis- posing factors, identification, preven- tion and solutions will be addressed. Other topics which will be discussed, range from parent child counselling to art therapy to leadership skills. The conference is open to the public, per- ents, teachers and other professionals who have an interest in Adlerian Psych- ology. For more information on the conference, contact the Adlerian Psychology Associa- tion of British Columbia, #210 - 2525 Manitoba Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 3A7, Telephone: 874-4614, Beetle for Saie -1968 VW Beetle -Needs some work on engine -$595 or best offer —-Phore Ria, 6 - 7 p.m. @ 430-6929. \ Please be advised that a Union bulletin board has been placed on the north wali near the cafeteria entrance on the con- course level. A second board has been placed on the wall next to the BCGEU office, (Room 4304) in the north buildiis. l . | Union Bulletin Roard Mechanics instructor Wanted | | OKANAGAN COLLEGE, Division of Vocational | and Trades Training, Kelowna, B.C.: | | 1. An Automotive Mechanics instructor is required for the new Training Access Program commencing March 1, 1983. 2. A temporary Automotive Body Repair in- structor is required to instruct ap- prentices from level I to level Iv. Resumes should be forwarded to: | Assistant Dean Okanagan College Division of Vocational & Trades Training 1000 K.L.0. Road Kelowna, B.C., V1Y 4X8 Closing date for both positions: Jan. 26/83. Help Wanted Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) Some experie.: required. Call - Dr. -_orge Ng, 325-2713 or 427-8714. For Sale ! - Garden tools - Top quality | | | - Lifetime guarantee | - Imported fram Denmark - Cometitive prices | Contact Susan Skinner in the Nursing Dept. (Lecal 2604) \ ‘ I