. Dance Section, P.E.P.S.A., Richmond, and Abbotsford School Boards. _ November 15 for elementary teachers INSTANT DANCE,_1975 A Saturday workshop in "instant dance" for both elementary and secondary school teachers is being offered by Douglas College in conjunction with the CAHP WHEN and WHERE: Godson Elementary School 33130 Bevan Road., Abbotsford November 22 for secondary teachers McNaire Junior High School 950 No, 4 Road, Richmond All those registered will receive a package containing "instant lessons" and a cassette tape of the morning and afternoon proceedings. The morning session will include four lessons on various themes, and the afternoon session will be practical and involve some of the morning's themes, The emphasis will be on personal involvement. Bring clothes suitable for the practical session and a bag lunch. FEE: $5 a workshop includes "instant lessons", TIME: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. INSTRUCTORS : Anne Ireland, Surrey School Board Sonya Van Niekerk, Douglas College Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Department MOTE * theve will not Ge Ian McLean, U.B.C. Education Department a Capos - , . Aistuibuton ot Chris Johnson, Douglas College Physical Education, > LZ, - of Recreation and Leisure Department yer PRE-REGISTRATION BY PHONE RECOMMENDED IN THE EVENT OF A MATL 40 that enough tapes will be available. Othewise mail or attached registration form, Please call 588-6404 for further information. ---------- -------REGISTRATION FORM--~--------~------~- INSTANT DANCE ~ FOR TEACHERS Name Date Address Phone Please make cheque for $5 payable to Douglas College and mail with registration form to: ADMISSIONS, Douglas College, P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, V3L 5B2,