Sagacious info from Douglas College’s stu- dent society The DCSS is open for businesss yet again, Douglas College Student Society for those who don’t know what DCSS means, and there are a number of hot issues on the agenda. Student society representatives have passed a vote to hold a Special General Meeting (SGM) on Sep- tember 14th and representative council elections on October 3. An appendage motion has ruled the current council officals to stay in office until October 10th. The cufrent by-laws state that all posi- tions must terminate on August 31 with exeption of the newly elected executive whose terms of office of- fically begin September 1 of any year. By-law changes are intended to be implimented September 14th. In the CFS (Canadian Federa- tion of Students) swing of things the Provincial Region held an Annual General Meeting (AGM)August 24th to the 28th. DCSS represen- tatives sent were Karen Downey (President), Carla Crozier (V.P.), Scott Nelson (Treasurer) and Rose Grassman (Social Services Rep). In the National Student Or- ganization of the CFS the AOSC (Association of Student Councils) wound down at the end of July due to the plenery motion of November 1987. The AOSC is a student owned non-profit organization and is operated out of Travel CUTS (Canadian University Travel Ser- vice) offices. This windown trans- fered all of AOSC’s holdings to the CFS-Services. CFS-S is also operated out CUTS offices. Also transfered was a tax agree- ment between AOSC, CUTS and Revenue Canada. This agreement represents a transfer of 1% of CUTS finders fee to the non-profit AOSC. Corporate taxes are not levied this 1% of CUTS finders fee. A finders fee is a 15% commision paid to CUTS for each transporta- tion ticket sold. The commisions for sales represented 50 million in revenue for CUTS. Presently, Langara Students Union has a by-law ammendment before the CFS floor which Paul Keates, Cairpereson of the outgo- ing LSU reps, says "intends to make the CFS and CFS-S by-laws one and the same." The insertion of the CFS-S into the CFS will further transfer the tax agreement to the CFS. Rod Hurd, President and Founder of Travel CUTS had stated that Revenue Canada has never. been obliged to honor the agree- ment since it’s inception. By Shane Polak PELLAS TAVERNA NOW OPEN Across from Douglas College 64 - 8th Street New Westminister = (under the door) A note from the new Dean of Educational and Student services On behalf of the Board, ad- ministration, faculty and staff of Douglas College I would like to ex- tend a hearty welcome to each of you! September has long been as- sociated with the beginning of the school year. For many of you, the beginning of the Fall semester will represent the continuation of programs started earlier. For others it will represent a transition from secondary school to college and for Page 2 The Other Press Tuesday, August 29, 1988 others still, it will represent a return to school after many years away from formal study. Whether you’re continuing with your plans toward an existing career or academic goal, embarking on a new career, or whether you’re. studying for your own personal in- terest and fulfillment, we wish you every success! I sincerely hope that the time you spend at Douglas College will present you with many exciting and new oppertunities and will con- tribute to the attainment of your per- sonal and professional goals. Good luck in all your endea- vours! Sincerely, Al Atkinson Dean, Educational and Student Services HAVE COMPUTER, WILL TYPE and CORRECT your GRAMMAR PUNCTUATION & SPELLING Fast, accurate typist + block from Douglas | $12/hour Hours: 7 a.m, +11 p.m. Over 20 years experience: ‘Ann’ 's Word Processing & Secretarial Service 521-3326 The 8 « + > Se ® Ce ee sae Other: pans sions ee eo” oe = Society newspaper. 2. Business Manager office. minster. 3. Advertising Manager The Ad Manager will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining new accounts around New West- Employment Opportunities The Other Publications Society has three (3) paying positions coming available in September. They are as follows: 1. Production Co-ordinator The Production Co-ordinator will be responsible for the daily operation of the Other Press Applicants should be familiar with newspaper design and layout, and have some basic computer skills. Experience with the Ventura Publishing soft- ware would be a definate asset. The Business Manager will be responsible for the accounting, correspondance, financial reports and the maintenance of the Other Publications Society Applicants should be capable of performing light accounting tasks, have good organizational skills, and be able to maintain reasonable office hours. Applicants should be highly motivated and have basic design and layout skills. Deadline for applications is September 20, 1988. Please drop off your resume at Room 1602 (Royal Avenue Campus). Applicants should be ready to assume their positions on October 1, 1988. aE SS