aren DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES For the Week of March 30 to April 5, 1986 cont. Noon at Kew West presents Just Brass Quintet Director, Blair Fisher Thursday, April 3, 1986 1230 hours §§§§§ Sponsored by the Humanities Institute: EI Polifemo De Oro A musical tribute to Federico Garcia Lorca by Smith-Brindle. Guitarist: Michael Strutt, of the Douglas College Music Department. and Federico Garcia Lorca A Murder in Granada (movie) Thursday, April 3, 1986 1230 - 1400 hours and 1900 - 2200 hours Room 2203 §§§§§ Guest Lecture: Computational Vision and Remote Sensing by Robert Woodham, B.A., S.M., E.E., Ph.D. (M.L.T.) U.B.C. Department of Computer Science Friday, April 4, 1986 1215 - 1300 hours Will you ever be able to see 'eye to eye' witha robot? How do computers reconstruct three- dimensional representations of images sent to them by satellites? Can computers read hand writing? These questions and more will be discussed by Bob Woodham. He will explore === [MAD HATTER 7 such topics as robot vision, computer analysis of LANDSAT imagery, and MAPSEE (a method of finding a hand sketch of an image on a map). The applications of remote sensing in generating forest inventories and monitoring pollution will also be addressed. The guest lecture is sponsored by the Department of Sciences and Mathematics Professional Development Committee. §§§§§ Criminology Lecture: Policing the Crisis: British Politics and the Rule of Law by John Clarke Tuesday, April 1, 1986 1400 hours Douglas College Lecture Theatre Room 2203 John Clarke of the Open University in Britain will present a lecture on the use of the rule of law in managing the economic crisis and the ensuing social and political turmoil resulting from the new politics of the right. As co-author of the influential book Policing the Crisis: | Mugging, the State, and Law and Order, Professor Clarke is well qualified to talk on the role of the criminal justice system in managing the upheaval resulting from massive unemployment, social dislocation, and the dismantling of the welfare state. Sponsored by the Douglas College Criminology Program. Res Ss 4