LAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES —_ Mad Hatter Page 9 missions is August 10, 1984. be it now!!! Don't As the Douglas College Women's Bas- ketball team gears up for hosting the 1986 Canadian Championships, . team coach Richard Norman says this year will be one of recruiting and confidence building. For the first time, Douglas College has gaNe to local high schools look- ing For talented young players to join a team that eageady consists of some of B.C.'s top female hoopsters, Norman said. Besides offering $100 scholarships to everyone who makes the team's roster, Norman says that this year the team will be travelling to at least one major tournament in East- ern Canada as well as sponsoring their own Western Canada Tourney. Not only that, but the college will also be sponsoring this year's prov- incial Totem Conference Championshipg from March 8 to 10, he said. "We've been knocking on the door for the past couple of years and even. though this is going to be a rebuild- ing year, I know we're going to make the playoffs," Norman said. The college is planning on either hosting or attending a tournament with teams from Europe or Japan for next. year before the Canadian Champ- ionships to vey build a spirit of comraderie on the team as well, Norman said. For those people interested in join- ing the team, coach Norman recommends coming out to the summer _ scrimmages now being held in the college's gym- nasium in New Westminster on Tuesday one ed nights from 5:00 to : p.m. "There's no committment, no fees and no team try-outs until September," he said. More Mannequins CPR PROGRAM GETS SUPPORT The Independent Order of Forester (L.0.F.) High Court of British Col- umbia and Alaska have purchased several adult C.P.R. training man- , nequins for our program in the last, three years. In June 1985, members from the. U.S.A., Canada and Great Britain Lodges will be aveenaing their in- | ternational convention to be held | in Vancouver. During the conven- tion the B,C. Lodges will be out- lining their Common ey activities in the form of video tapes. The I.0.F. has asked me to write a script and work with them on the production of a video tape about our C.P.R. Program. They wish to | contract services from our I.M.S._, department and do the filming at | Douglas College. Needless to say, . I have said yes, yes, yes!! | The I.0.F. has asked me to request funding for C.P.R. training man- | nequins, as needed, in the future. , Gerry Murphy Summer Closure The Maple Ridge Centre will be | closed for the summer holidays effective July 6 and will re-open for business on August 20, at 0800 hours. | California Here | Come! ? BUT. ws. I need a ride. Anyone going to San Francisco? I am_ interested in sharing costs and oe vane (your vehicle). Catching airplane from San Francisco July 17. 888-1135 Contact: Robin Ryan, Thailand Seminar 1985 Three faculty advisors are re- uired to guide 30 students ona | USC seminar in Thailand during July and August 1985. The siminar is intended to provide the students with their first ex-