At the meeting of this committee held on August 30th, the committee elected Andy Andrews as Chairman in place of Barry Leach who will be on leave of absence for the academ ic year 1977/78. The committee recommended that the following points be brought to the attention of faculty, staff and students: 1. The library holds two copies of the Grants Register 1975-1977 (LB233897). Anyone interested in educational leave, foreign travel or exchange should consult this most informative volume for information about sources of funds, scholarships, etc. 2. Persons visiting England may wish to consider applying for membership in the Royal Commonwealth Society. The advantages include accommoda - tion in the Society's club on Northumberland Avenue, London (two minutes walk from Trafalgar Square), and the use of library and restaurant facilities at the club; also a varied programme of social, sporting and cultural activities, including lunchtime lecture meetings and evening discussions. Further information about the Society may be obtained from Andy Andrews, New Westminster Campus, local 225, 3. American Council of Learned Societies Fellowships and Grant s for Postdoctoral Research: a list of competitions to be held in 1977/78 is available from Andy Andrews. 4. Faculty Exchange - Middlesex County College, New Jersey: This college 1s interested in developing an administration faculty exchanae, Women's Studies Graphics and Commercial Illustration Adu t Career and Educational Services Education Technology (Early Childhood Assistant). BAL: jrh Owing fields is available Health Services Engineering Sciences Theatre Community Education Barry A. Leach CANADIAN - U.S. COMMUNITY COLLEGE EXCHANGES for STUDENTS, FACULTY, ADMINISTRATORS § ; INTRODUCTION Because of the interest in both countries, representatives of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges and the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges International/ intercultural Consortium have developed the fol- lowing program for a community and junior college exchange. PROGRAM The Association of Canadian ‘Community Colléges and the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges International/Intercultural Con- sortium serve as intermediaries. They maintain a data bank from which they ascertain which institu- tions are interested in exchanges and suggest con- tact between them. It is then up to those insti- tutions to decide if they wish to officially develop an exchange program or to unofficially promote the involvement of their students and staff. In case of an official institutional effort, it is important that there first be discussion of the idea with students and faculty. Visits between representatives of the two insti- tutions are recommended before a final decision is reached on whether to enter into an exchange. The program will be most effective when exchanges include students, faculty and staff with full in- stitutional cooperation. Exchanges between institutions should be normally for summer, sémester or year duration. They may be extended subsequently only upon mutual insti- tutional agreement. Initially, at least, it is suggested that the number of persons exchanged be kept small, and that the exchange need not be simul- taneous.