Satinder Marahar | am running for Member-At-Large. |’m an international student from India. I’ve studied Computer Sciences at Douglas College for the past two years. My goal in life is to become a software engineer. My hobbies are volunteering in different school and club activities, | love to help people with whatever they need. | like to meet new people and Mustafa Haq make new friends because of my outgoing personality. | am a third year business student at Douglas College and | represent the Royals as a volleyball player. | , would like to continue my involvement in our school community and that is why | am inspired to run as a ‘ representative for our Douglas Student Union Election as a Member-At-Large for the 2016 year. Several new members of our NeXgen team represent student athletes across many teams and international students. Vote NeXgen! : and domestic students, a smoothie bar, and more events for students. | care about making a difference for students and Douglas College. Come share your ideas, | care about your interests and your voice. a needs. From slutwalks to open textbooks to pep rallies, | want to represent what students at Douglas College are truly passionate about. Pongsapat “Paul” Wittayaworapat Hello! | am currently enrolled in Sport Science program. | am running for the Member-At- Large. | want to continue to push forward for open textbooks and lower tuition fees. | want to create a better space for both international Iman Abdulla I'm running for the position of your Women’s Representative as part of team Action in the 2016 DSU election. Volunteering with the DSU Crew has taught me how to critically listen to student’s wants and Taylor Woody | -) Hey, Douglas! | am an 18-year-old Douglas College student, who plays women’s softball! My friends would say | am actively engaged in everything that | participate in, and wish to continue this as your Women’s Representative. If you're looking for excitement and change at Douglas vote for my slate, NeXgen! aboriginal 9AI}LR}UDS9II1Id93 Manuel Pefia |am from El Salvador, Central America. | am a second year business student. On my daily life, | love " practicing extreme sports such as downhill mountain biking, snowboarding, surfing, and longboarding. | am currently running for this election with a great team of experienced leaders called Action for the position of Member-At-Large. |f we get elected, we will seek to make major changes and improvements on campus. o) 7 Taylor Hochban Hey, Douglas. | am currently in my second year at Douglas College and | am running as a Member At-Large for the DSU. Along with attending school full time, |’m also a member of the Douglas College Baseball > ’ team. | believe that a memorable post-secondary experience is created by taking all opportunities that promote meeting new people and creating new experiences and that’s what | want to bring to you. Prabh Kaur Hunda I'm running for the Member-At-Large position for the DSU. I’m from India and | currently work for the Life at DC team. | decided to run for a Member-at-large position because | want to help build community on campus and make the transition process to college and Canada easier for international students. Being a part of the DSU is the best way to serve students as a student. disabilities 9AIZLR}UDSIIG9I You can vote for your 2016-17 Student Representatives from February 29 to March 4. There will be a candidates’ forum taking place in the New Westminster Concourse from 11 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Check for the candidates’ full platforms.