‘Hey Douglas College! y We are your student paper, operated and written by students i for students. ; And we have paused, in our basement office. I Great questions are weighing upon our hearts and minds and I souls. What should we be doing; What should we not do; and | Do they even read us? So we have lifted up our eyes to you, the students, who daily tread the halls above our heads, up yin the light, and we ask you to please give us the answers y Who are you (because we which we seek. I wouldn’t trust just anybody) I 1. Are you a (circle all that apply) ~ I student/ faculty member/ I college president/student I society executive officer/ staff(where?) / goldfish 4. What sections do you read most often and why? (aside from the nifty questionnaires.) 5. What, in your opinion, was the most interesting thing in the Other Press lately? 2. What program are you in/affiliated 6. What was the most pointless? with? i i i I 3. How long have you been at Douglas? 7. Have you noticed that the Other Press is now weekly? y Do you know who we are? I (as much as we are knowable, i anyway) i 1. Do you read the Other Press? 8. Do you know where the Other Press office is? Do you like us? 1. Do you like the new weekly format? 2. How often do you read it? 2. What did you like about the old biweekly Other Press? 3. Why do you read it/not read it? 3. What do you like about the Other Press? 4. Have you ever submitted something to J the Other Press to be published? Why or why not? Cut out and brin down to room 1020 or to The Other Press table in the con- course Tues 11-3 or Wed 11-3. Or just come visit us. How could we be better? 1. What pisses you off about the Other Press? Would you like to see more 1. Douglas College coverage/local coverage/ provincial coverage/ national coverage/world-wide coverage Sports ‘Women’s ‘Field iHockey 2. Would you like to see more photos? 3. If we were to include a new section in the Other Press, what should it be? 4. If we were to get rid of a section, what should it be? 5. What does the Other Press need more of? Less of? 6. What kind of cover would you like to see on the paper? There is no story here because a particular coach didn’t send me the stats. However, it was a brilliant day for hockey and the Douglas women Il kicked ass. They start the finals 10:30 am, i Feel free to write a small novel detailing your suggestions/beefs/ praise about The Other Press... label it ‘Survey’ and bring to room 1020: Or you could scribble on this. i Saturday April 5 at Burnaby Lake. Be there! 7. What do you think we could do to increase the number of our readers? I Douglas College Student Sociely Winter 1997 Elections This is to My all Douglas College Students of the upcoming Student Society Executive and Representative Committe Elections. The Elections are being held for the following positions: peat 1998 : * Nomination forms shall include the name and student number of the member President nominated, along with the position for which the member is nominated. Nominations Treasurer : shall open at 12 noon, Wednesday, March 26, 1997 and shall close af 12 noon, Vice President External Saturday, April 5, 1997. Vice President Internal Nomination forms will be available from the Student Society offices at the New Vice President David Lam Westminster, Maple Ridge and David Lam Campuses. Completed forms are fo be Vice President Maple Ridge sent to the Student Society Business Office, Room 2780, New Westminster Program Representative Positions Campus. Nomination forms recieved late will be returned to the candidate and not processed. Business Rep senecevenneesensevsesesensesneesssesesseeseness 2 Terms of Office Dental Auxiliary Rep seeeesnasesennsensarsnssssnasesseses | English-as-a-Second Language Rep Re he 1 Campaigning may commence as soon as the prper nomination form has been filed, Resident’ Gare Atfendont Rep 1A Sc be 1 recieved by the Student Society, and approved by the cro and must cease af 12 noon, Maple Ridge Campus Rep sesssscssssssssssessseses l Saturday, April 12, 1997 Music Rep 1 Psychiatric Nursing Rep seeevevesssareeenssnerssescees | University Transfer Rep eeesssessescoeseessssssnesaeeses ] Rep for Students With Disabilities ..........0+ l Date and times for All Cadidates Forum and Voting to be posted later. Physical Education Rep sseseacevesenecovenseccesesenes 2 Lesbian Gay Bisexual Rep ..rresssssscccsssssssseeses I Terms of Office For Program Representatives — one year from the date of being officially elected. F or executive positions — commencing September D 1997 and lerminaling The Other Press March 31,1997 11