Fs THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College News letter: published weekly during the spring _ and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the sunime r semester by Douglas College Technical - and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. + loc, 283 Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey mo FaReRRORAS 588 - 4411, | iil Board INSTRUCTORS -- PLEASE RECOMMEND THESE COURSES TO STUDENTS HAV ING DIFFICULTY. STUDY SKILLS FOR COLLEGE CLASSES STARTING NOW 4 Study Skills for College is a 7J-week survey course-- covering many aspects of acamoa ls success. | Many students Heine it difficult to schedule their time appropriately. Some realistic appraisal of how they spend their time enables them to set priorities and accomp | i sh more. Listening ski ble is the next topic, and one required in nearly every area of life. Concentration and memory are common topics of interest. Some mnemonic devices are learned and some techniques to arrest wandering attention. Note-taking, both from lectures and from texts, is also tou don. Underlining texts necessitates ability 8 to select main ideas and supporting examples which is dealt with under "Organized Staay Techniques"(e. g-SQ3R). The rules for) taking and studying for examinations seem to baffle many students. Familiarity with types of questions and tests often relieves students! tension about #ests and gives them clues about the best way to study for various tests. amet f STUDY SKILLS COURSES: . Surrey SDI10-20 (Oct.27) Th 10-12 NW SDII0-10 (Oct.25) T 8-10 SOMO 12 KOet.28rF Mr-t2 SDI10-51 (Oct.26) W 7-10 Rich. SDI i0-52 (Oct.27) Th 7-f0 Coq. SDI10-48 (Oct.27) M 9-10 READING DEVELOPMENT Reading Development is a course designed to assist students in meeting the large college reading loads. Comprehension is stressed; increased rate should result from the ability to recognize the patterns and organize the content of reading material. However, some techniques for pacing reading are introduced. Previewing to develop a specific purpose for reading is essential to good R comprehension. Skimming and skipping are useful in dealing with many kinds of reading material. Flexibility is required to be able to adapt reading style for various purposes and levels of difficulty . This 7-week course should enable a student to assess where his reading weaknesses lie and begin to correct them. The student will find reading easier and more enjoyable as well as more efficient through use of good reading techniques. Consequently he will begin to read more for his own purposes and not just for college courses. Thus, development of reading skills will open long-term options for him both personally and occupationally. READING SKILL COURSES: Surrey SD 100-21 (Oct.27) Th 2-4 $0. (0052 (Oct.25).T Tt NW SO 410051) 2. (0eT.25) T 2-4 Rich. $0, 100+30:(Oct.25) T '2-2 Contact: Sandra Carpenter (Surrey) . Al Atkinson (NWest)