, Oe ARCHIVES POETRY READING q, HHHKKKHKHKHHHHHKHHKHHKHHHHHHHHHE Christopher Keith WALLACE-CRABBE. Currently, Senior Lecturer in English, University of Melbourne. Presently, Visiting Fellow in Australian Literature, University of Exeter, Devon, England. PUBLICATIONS - i The Muste of Diviston. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1959, Eight Metropolitan Poems. Adelaide, Australian Letters, 1962. In Light and Darkness. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1964. The Rebel General. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1967. Represented in the following anthologies: Australian Poetry. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1956-68. Eight by Eight. Brisbane, Jacaranda Press, 1964. Jiggery-Pokery. New York, Atheneum, 1967. New Impulses in Australian Poetry. Brisbane, University of Queensland Press, 1968. Poems of Our Moment. New York, Pegasus, 1968. CHRISTOPHER WALLACE-CRABBE COMMENTS: “Over the past few years I have increasingly been trying to come to terms with violence: political, personal and intrapersonal. I am interested in the paradox that we tend most profoundly to worship vitality for its own sake, while we are bound at the same time to deplore such vitality as manifests itself in the form of violence. Poetry, like other constructive activities, issues -from forces that are potentially destructive. The self, when it is most vital, is not reducible to a moral agent. These are the central concerns which I have been trying to dramatize in my © recent poems. At the same time, inevitably, my poetry has been growing less formal, less architecturally shaped, and more sinuous, more shifting, more various in its effects and directions." THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 6 ‘12-2 pm 4- ROOM COMPLEX, NEW WESTMINSTER EVERYONE WELCOME Sponsored by the Department of English and Communications Douglas Coliege