TO ALL FACULTY The following motion was passed at the October General “eeting of the Facultv Association: "...that: (1) the Douglas Collece Faculty Association call an extra ordinary meeting at the earliest possible date, the purpose of such meeting to ciscuss the issues surrounding the possibility of the facultv's becoming certified under the Labor Relations Act, and (2) to invite all faculty members to participate in the debate. - It was recommended that I present some background for the motion to all faculty. - The preamble to the motion, which does not appear above, states that several college faculties have begun proceedings to become cert- ified under the Labor Act (see Oct 3rd. edition of Mad Hatter). - Now certified are: VCC Langara and VVI. Applied for certification are: Cariboo, %kanagan, New Caledonia Capilano, Malispina. - As reported by our Ombudsman at the general meeting, the legality of our handbook mav be binding but its contents are open to intervreta- tion. The faculty nepotiates with Council by permission of council, and only on those items that Council chooses to negotiate: todate that's cost of living. - The Salarv/Welfare committee believes there is more to be negotiated than cost of living increase. An agreement should be binding for all facultv. Our present system does not accomplish those aims. It recommends that a better svstem be adopted. One alternative to the present svstem is certification. Thus the motion that we decuss the issue has been presented to vou. DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY me Welidé 5 - I hope that the foregoing summary has sufficiently explained the reason- ing for presenting the motion but if further explanation is needed please contact me. - One final item concerning the manner of presentation of the issues. If you wish to present a written statement to accompany an oral presentation at the meeting, I would be pleased to assist in tvping and duplication (given sufficient time to do same.). Proposed meeting procedure: A. Presentations made in the order: - Against certification - Uncommitted - For certification B. Any individual wishing to speak more than once may do so only after other members have taken their turn. C. Total debating time limited to one hour and fifteen minutes. N. There should be an additional 15-minute period for questions on clarification directed to presentors. E. There should be fifteen minutes for presentation of motions and disussion --if any. - To enable fair distribution of time to all participants, anyone wishing to make a presentation should so inform the chairman before noon, Friday November 23rd. Date of Meeting: Mon. Nov. 26th Time: 4 to 6 P.M. Place: Surrey Four Room Complex Chairman for the meeting Steve Sharpe.