PRT” — igi: rt ot ae te Ment ong. ramen ie AE mg eat ayia SAT. NOV. 29 Children's Bicycle Rodeo 9.30-11:30 am Arenex Cenada Home Fitness Test 1:00- 4:00 pm YM/YWCA Family Orienteering | O00- 4:00 pm Arenex SUN. NOV. 30 Family Bicycle Sunday 9:00-12:00 pm Queens Pk. Road Relay Race 11.00-12:00pm City Hall MCN DEC. 7+ Swim New Westminster 7:39- 9:00 am C.G. Pool Mile Swim (Teens) 5:G0- 6:90 pm YMU/YWS. Intro. to Judo (Teens) 7:900- 8:00 pm Yii/ YWCA Intro. to Badminton 7:00-10:00 pm Arenex Parent & Tot Gymnastics 7:00- 8:00 pm NWCC Adult Gymnastics ,. + 8:90- 9:00 pm * NWCC Fault Trampoline 9:040-16:00 pm NWCC Walk a Measured Mile Local Areas ae he meme ees ot FOCUS ON FITNESS ~ ACTIVITY SCHEDULE JES. DEC. 2: New wvestminster 7:30- 8.2C am C.G. Pool Mile Swim (Adults) 9:00-10:00 am YM/YWCA Floor Hockey (Teens) 7:30-- 9,00 pm NWCC Canada home Fitness Test 7.00- 8:00 pm YM/YWCA Mile Swim: (Adults) 8.00- 9:00 pin YM/YWCA Intro. to Canoeing 8.50-10:00 pw C.G. Pool Adult Volleybal | 8:30-10:00 pm C.H.S Welk a Measured Mile Lecal Areas WED. DEC. 3 Swint New Westmins ter 7:30- 9:00 am C.G. Pool Intro. to Swim & Trim 9:30-11:00 am C.G. Pool file Swim (Teens) 5:00- 6:00 pm YM/YWCA Intro. to Swim &Trim 6:30- 8:30 pm Nwcc Intro. to Judo (Teens) 7:00- 8 30 pm YM/YWCA Intro. to Judo (Adults) 7:30-9:66 pm NWO Walk a Measured Mile Local Arcas THURS. DEC. 4 Swim New Westminster 7°30- 8:30 am C.G. Pool Mile Swim (Adults) 9 00-10:00 am YM/YWCA Parent & Tot Gymnas tics 2 00- 3:00 pm NWCC Canada Home Fitness Test 7:00- 8:00 pm NWCC Mile Swim (Adults) 6 00- 9:00 pm YM/YWCA Acult Badminton 8:00- 9:30 pm L.T.S. Walk a Measured Mile Local Areas FRI. DEC. 5 Swim New Westminster 7:30- 9:00 am C.G. Poo! Mile Swim (Teens) 5:00- 6:00 pm YM/YWCA Walk a Measured Mile Local Areas SAT. DEC. 6 Family Jog ¢ & Breakfast 8.00-10:00 am YiM/YWCA Alternate Methods of Fitness and Health 9.00- 5:00 pm D.C. Elementary School Cross Country Run 10:00 3:00 pm Arenex Canada Home Fitness Test 1 O00- 4:00 pm C.G. Pool SUN. DEC. 7 Intro. to Handball, Squasn and Racque tba | | 12:00-5:00 pm Yii/YWOA NWCC Open House 1:09. 5:00 pm NWCC Canade Games Pool Onen House 1.00~- 5:09 pm C.G6. Pool For details, call the Ney Westminster Community Centres ét 526-4221 or the New Westminster YM/YWCA at 526.2435, C.G. Pool NWCC Cathal Lele Ss D.C. - Canada Gimes - New Westiinster Commun ity Centre - Connaught Heights Schoo! - Lord Tweadsmuir Schoo! ~ Douglas College Poo |