Peel Me URAD BASLE “a (© IN TA International FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Director of Public Relations HEADQUARTERS: 59 EAST VAN BUREN STREET * CHICAGO 60605 © U.S.A. MRS. MARION DUDLEY Telephone 939-3850 (Area Code 312) | CABLE: ZONTA CHICAGO For the 38th year, Zonta International, a service organization of executive women in business and the professions, is announcing the Amelia Earhart Fellowship Awards to women for advanced study and research in the aerospace sciences. The $3,000 grants, established in 1938 as a memorial to Zonta's famed air pioneer member, are supported by 660 Zonta clubs in 47 countries. Zonta's confidence in women's potential in the aerospace sciences has been rewarded by the distinguished contributions made by those who have received the 146 Relda Earhart Fellowship Awards, A bachelor's degree in a science qualifying a candidate for graduate work in some phase of aerospace and related sciences is the basic requirement for the Fellowship, plus evidence of exceptional ability and potential and commendable character. Recipients from 17 countries include students whose degrees were earned in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Fellowships have been used at graduate schools in the-United States, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Japan, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. ' \ tse Candidates or instructors wishing to ,recommend "students write: ———— ZONTA INTERNATIONAL, 59 East Van Buren Street; Chicago, Illinois 60605. Australia * Austria * Bangladesh « Belgium * Canada * Ceylon « Chile « Reoublic of China « Colombia « Denmark « Finland e France « Germony * Ghana * Greece *« Guatemalo * Hong Kong !cclond © India » iran * leland © Italy * Ivory Coast » Jaoan * Kenya » Korea + Liberia * Mexico * The Nethe:lands » New Zealand « Nigeria * Norway « Pakistan « The Philippines * Portugal Puerto Rico * Senegal « Sierra Leone * Sweden * Switzeriand « Thailand « Turkey * United Kingdom »* United States « Uruguay