THE LA JOLLA PROGRAM I attended the La Jolla Summer Institute last year and found it really worthwhile. I would be happy to talk with anyone interested in the program. Marilyn Smith Surrey Campus 1974 SUMMER INSTITUTE The La Joti Program of the Center for Stucdies of the Person annources «fs e.gnth summer of institutes for individudis interested in the application of Group process to their own settings. Four institures wt'l be herd in summer, 1974, on the camous of the University of California ai Sen D egor Junen22 to ery 2, Juty. 13 «5 July 29; August 3 to August 19; August 24 to September 9. The major empnasis of the program wili be on directly experiencing the view which enphasizes that there is maximem giowt> for botn GFreussi & partic pates as a whole person rather ¢ iN exper esce with this phitosochy of leaders! Facus) sf the PrORlA WHMUNING waite lode ere nd other. fadilisacc Partic.sarts can be expected te be ‘rom tw oy On VOCAional Dacssrou5 =. counseling, and heat. Tuition is $300:G0, Room cost is $6.50 pb: ght wer person for a dows’. room (ire Lees ibs } S p } per night per person for a single room {iscludes dbreabtast), Application should be made by letter, choud irc ude a $25.00 apsice:! and in addition to the $300.00 tuiton), and sitccta contain the Tal Gwe Va OfMG!. Om. Rowe telephone, sex, age, marital status, amount of previous group expeérie=ce, and a brie? srateme vocational activities and reason for wanting to attend Early Qppiicetion 15 suggested. Participants wishing academic credit cam receive their choice of three or six sucrter units is conneciion w.:t f the summer institute, through the University of Ce‘ fornia Extension. Tre jee, payable to tne Regerts of the University of California, is $7.50 per unit.