ee Thursday, February 16, 1984. DOUGLAS COLLEGE “STUDENT SOCIETY Statement of revenue and expenditures and members’ equity for the year ended 31 August 1983 REVENUE 1983 Activity fees / $100,310 Interest and miscellaneous 4,232 Pinball revenue a 104,542 EXPENDITURES Advertising : Activities and student servi-ces 7375 Clubs and campus grants 1/988 Conference expenses 4323 Cut-back expense Aiea: Equipment purchases 8 880 Honorariums 1 620 Insurance ; "965 Membership fees-Canadian Federation of Students 16.406 Mileage expense "382 Office 999 Professional services 1;475 Repairs and maintenance “ Staff wages and employee_benefits 25,577 Telephone 874 Youth employment program 602 71,166 ‘eS ar EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR 33,376 MEMBERS’ EQUITY beginning of year 51,304 CONTRIBUTION TO CAPITAL FUND 0,000 CONTRIBUTION TO BURSARY FUND a (14,000) [aS MEMBERS’ EQUITY end of year $ 60,680 1982 $ 69,495 10,119 2,025 oS 81,639 $51,304 DOUGLAS COLLEGE STUDENT SOCIETY ANNUAL GENERAL ~ MEETING rm. 2203 12:30 Feb. 23 page 15 CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES BY-LAW 5 Delete By-law 5.1 Delete By-law 5.2 Be it resolved that the posi- tion and duties formerly held by the Vice President are now assigned to the Canadian Federation of Stu- dents Executive Representa- tive. BY-LAW 6 Be it resolved that the posi- tion of Secretary be changed to Vice President and fur- ther that all references to Secretary be changed to Vice President. By-law 6.7 - Formerly 5.1 During the absence, or ina- bility to act, of the Presi- dent, her/his duties and power may be exercised by the Vice President. By-law 6.5 - Formerly 5.2 _ The Vice President shall be a signing officer of the - Society. BY-Law 12 By-law 12.1-Changed The Executive of the Society shall be the; President, Vice President, Canadian Federa- tion of Students executive representative, Treasurer, Speaker of the House, and the Member at Large (Ma- ple Ridge). The Executive shall hereafter be referred to as the Student Admini- strative Council. BY-Law 25 By-Law 25.3-Addition The Student Administrative, Council, excepting the speaker of the house, shall be re-imbursed for Tuition expenses as an honorarium for the Courses they are taking at mid-term of each semester. SPECIAL RESOLUTION | Whereas it is the purpose of this motion to prevent the Douglas College Student Society from financially sup- porting any political party, official or otherwise. The various political opinions of the students must be res- pected and not influenced by the Student Government. Therefore be it resolved that the Douglas College Student Society shall not allocate any time, student funds to any political party either Fed- eral, Provincial, or local,as a form of support or represen- - tation. OTHER MOTIONS BUILDING Whereas the students of Douglas College do not have a space specifically geared towards students needs. And whereas Douglas .Col- lege is unable to provide such a space. Be it resolved that the Douglas College Society establish a Student Union Building. And be it further resolved that a building fee of $0.75 per credit be charged to ll registering students and fur- ther that said fee commence in the fall semester of 1984 and continue until all build- ing liability’s are recovered. TREASURY Be it resolved that the DCSS allocate from members equi- ty year end 1983 $23,680 to the Capital fund and $4,000 to the emergency fund, the balance ($15,000) to the General account. BURSARY Whereas accusability to post-secondary education is eroded, and whereas finan- cial difficulties represent a significant limiting factor. Be it resolved that the DCSS donate $18,000 from the members equity 1983, and the $12,000 from the exist- ‘ing DCSS Bursary fund to the Douglas College Schol- arship Fund and further that until such time as the DCSS- Senate indicate otherwise, four $250 bursarys from the interest accrued be awarded fall and spring semester. AUDITORS That the firm of Yada, Tompkins, Humphries, Pal- mer and Company be ap- pointed as the official audi- tors of the Douglas College Student . Society for 1983- 1984 fiscal year. . JOBS Whereas student unemploy- ment figures are outra- geously high. Be it resolved that the DCSS provide, over the four summer months, six jobs at a projected cost of $5,000.