February 14, 1977 the other press page-11 Hockey team a winner . Douglas College hockey team overthrew numero uno, Langara Hawks on Thursday night by a score of 6-3. All members played shitty but Douglas over- came the pressure of the Hawks with goals by Danny, Blake, Scot, and Al. Losing in the first period because of a shaky first goal, Douglas came back in the second period with confidence by pressuring the Hawks with tremendous forechecking and excellent defensive play. Douglas started off with a first period goal by an outstand- ing individual effort when Scot Murray flashed by the clumsy Hawk defenseman and rifled an accurate ‘‘snap shot.’’ Harold Dion floundering and Rugby team edges Chukancut The Douglas College first rugby team chalked up its third straight victory of the spring season with a narrow 10-8 victory over Chukanaut Bay in Washington. Douglas opened the scoring after George Boon made a fine 30-yeard run, was tackled on the opponents five yard line and passed the ball out to Russ Laurie who went in for the touchdown. Chukanaut tied the score just cont’d from page 2 My conclusion was that I did not agree to the job description and to the way in which one E person assumed my job. At this | point I left the meeting, grabbed my coat and went home. The council meeting came to order, I was not invited to attend as this was one of the rules R. Harris, pete.-gave me. The next day talking to R. Rae supposedly my staff liason between council and staff, told me I could have © attended. I informed him I was | never asked, and I was going by the set of rules he gave me. No reply. | ask you the Student Body, how Council members can make a decision on one individual who is very rarely invited to represent herself? Should not the people I had worked with directly over the | past three months be taken into consideration on this review? Or should Council members who never see me only to say hi and bye decide if I stay or go? I ask this of you the Student Body to decide, as it is your money individuals are deciding upon. How would you like to be put in a situation where your account- ing books are lost, no contracts are written up to protect em-'° ployees. It comes down to the fact, how would you like to see your Student Society run? By one or two individuals, or by *‘elected’”’ representatives working togeth- er with the help of staff resource | persons? My only support comes from you, as the Student Body to decide upon the decis- ions your acclaimed chairs have made. It is hard to let you know of all the going’s on in one letter--but if you feel the decis- ions made were unjust you have the right to appeal the motion by a petition of 100 signatures. I ask you to give myself a proper review with associates | have worked with over the past before the half on a touchdown. Douglas played the second half with a man short as Burt Kirby had to retire from the game with a leg injury. Douglas went ahead 10-4 on two fine drop goals by Laurie, but Chukanaut charged back to narrow the score to 10-8 on another touch- down. From this point on Doug- las defended tenaciously and held on for a hard fought win. In other matches, the Douglas second team playing with 2 men [ LETTERS 3 months. Otherwise I wish you all the luck with your standing Council. sincerely yours, Carol Grout - Editors: With regards to the Douglas College Student Society’s Per- sonnel Committee’s decision on termination of Business Mana- ger, I would like to announce my views on the situation, and the principal of the matter. I have been working in close contact with the Business Man- ager since September 1976, and also worked with her when she ‘assumed position as Business manager in October 1976, till present, February 1977. I feel I know the Business Manager very well and have seen her every day, as she is my personal manager to whom I am responsible. I have found her a very competent, sincere, and amiable co-worker ever since I became staff at the Douglas College Student Society. I have found it a pleasure to work with the Business Manager as well. In reference to the Personnel Committee’s decision to termi- nate the Business Manager,-I felt their decision was unfair, due to the fact that I was not called upon to sit on the Personnel Committee and voice my opinion, as I have been in close contact with . her and I feel I should have veen asked to .attend the Personnel Committee ~ for that reason being. Also I feel that other employees of the Student Society should have been at that Committee. I know I am not standing alone in my opinion regarding the principal of this matter. Others have.come to me per- sonally, saying the Personnel Committee was unjust in princi- pal, concerning the whole mat- ter of terminating the Business Manager. tripping over his skates, causing his nylons to run, confidently showed the opposition what he was made of and overcame the disappointment that he had put over the team. Disco Kirk, as known by his teammates, was hit by shrapnel from the lawnmover~and sus- tained the only casuality of the game. short in the second half went down 24-18 to league leaders Port Coquitlam. Brian McAdam was hot for Douglas College with a convert and 4 field goals totalling 14 points. Davinder Deol scored a touchdown for Douglas. In the third division game, Douglas thirds were no match for the Tswassen Rugby Club going under 24-3. Sole scorer for Douglas was Grover Telford with a field goal. I would like to see the Personnel Committee Meeting, held February 9, 1977 deemed invalid, and a Straw Vote be implemented with Council Members, Members of the Exe- cutive, Staff, and former and present employees of the Stu- dent Society to be present. __ _ Sincerely, Laverne Sipos ~ Secretary, D.C.S.S. Former Student Society Business Manager Carol Grout Dear Editor: I feel the decision of the Personnel Committee Wednes- day night was unjust and con- tradictory to the fact that she (Grout) was on a three month trial period and half the people on the committee have only been on Council for a couple of weeks. I think the decision should have been on how she worked | and how the people she worked for before, felt. I would like to see the Personnel Committee deemed invalid. There should be a straw draw vote with staff and old Council members, and make it a unanimous decision.1, Sincerely, Darlene Zerr, New Westminster Chairperson Innertube Water Polo You look like you need exer- cise!!! Come and play Innertube Water Polo! Have fun playing this non- competitive sport. Get together a team of six, or we'll put you on a team. If you are interested... come to a meeting on Wednes- day Geb. 16 at 3 p.m. in the Intramurals Office - New West- minster campus - by the book- store, If you can’t make the meet- ing, call us in New West - Local 287, and leave you name or drop anit; It should be a great new experience...so come out and try it! KATHY NEILSEN I began my career as a world famous artist with “‘Sheep Stampeding’’. The genius in this picture was the directional noses. I went straight from this success and broke new ground in art with ‘Sheep Suntanning.”’ a