MAD HATTER PAGE 2 WOMEN'S CENTRE — WOMEN & WORK About 4 million Canadian women work at jobs outside the home. Women make up 46 percent of Canada's work force. Their skills, abilities and training are one of our most valuable resources. They can be a wasted resource if they are not considered for job vacancies. Statistics can show how and where wamnen workers are employed. What can- not be demonstrated is how much money - how much productivity - is lost . through failure to hire the right per- son for a job regardless of sex. Labour force studies show - - about 77 percent of women workers are employed in full-time jobs - they remain in the labour force for an average of 24 years ! - more than 2 million women are the sole support of their families or themselves. and - 87 percent of women workers have some secondary school education or higher (for working men the percentage is 79) - 23 percent of employed women have canmpleted their post-secondary educa- tion (for employed men the percentage is 21) but - 4 percent of employed women hold man- agerial positions; 8 percent of men are managers - 52 percent of wamen workers are in clerical and service ~- 23 percent of female employees work in professional and technical occupations, predominantly nursing & teaching Source: Employment & Immigration Canada FOR SALE 4x8 Brunswick Pool (& Snooker) Table. Includes all equipment and a number of pool cues. Excellent shape. $250. Call Susan at McBride, local 244. FOR SALE AQHA Registered Quarter Horse Gelding. 14 years old. 15.1 hands high. Trained English and Western. Has been shown. Very healthy and sound. Sacrifice @ $1,000. Call Marian at McBride, local 260. FOR SALE Beautiful 1978 BMW 320i - only 60,000 soft kms! Maintained to specifications; equiped with 4 speed transmission, Blaupunkt AM/FM cassette stereo, sunroof, sport steering wheel, 6 tires (2 continental winters) metalic paint. Excellent condition, uses regular gas! Asking $12,000 - will negotiate some. Anyone interested, call Susan at local 244, McBride Site.