THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter puolished weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C, Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 aroma oo Notire Board The following credit library courses will be taught this spring semester: SKILLS FOR COLLEGE LIBRARY RESEARCH 1 credit SD111-10 NW Campus rm.103 12-2 pm Fri. Jan.20-Mar.3, 1978 7 sessions Mary Matthews SD111-20 Surrey Campus rm.601B 4-6 pm Wed. Jan.18-Mar.1, 1978 7 sessions Tricia Daum BASIC LIBRARY SKILLS iened1t SD112-50 NW Campus rm.103 7-9 pm Tues. Jan.17-Feb.28, 1978 7 sessions Cathy MacDonald BASIC REFERENCE SKILLS I eredit SD113-50 NW Campus rm.103 7-9 pm Tues. Mar.7-Apr.18, 1978 7 sessions Cathy MacDonald BASIC AUDIO-VISUAL SKILLS FOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 14s credits SD115-50 Surrey Campus rm.104 7-9 pm Tues. Jan.17-Mar.7, 1978 8 sessions Graydon Roberts FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION ON ANY OF THESE COURSES, CONTACT ADMISSIONS 588-6404. FOR SALE # * € 2 NEW RADIAL SNOW TIRES FOR AUSTIN MINI, $65, : Contact: Sheila Dennison Coquitlam Campus 525-9211 ‘Lot. 20 FOR SALE Brand new, still in crate, "Slatene" Pool Table. Asking $250 - regular $450. [ Phone 594-1035 or 594-8287. BURSARY OPPORTUNITY: 4 8 PART-TIME AND/OR SHORT-TERM ADULT STUDENTS The Pacific Association for Continu- ting Education (PACE) invites applications for Bursary Funds. The amounts awarded shall vary be- tween $50 and $200 for any one period of study. A. Eligibility 1. An individual is eligible for a bur- sary if registered as a part-time or short-term student in any nized and formally organized recog- learning activity in continuing education or training in B.C., e.g. Academic Advancement, Trades and Union Skill Training, Business Training, Adult Education, Community Education. 2. Bursaries are open to residents of B.C. 3. Recipients are eligible for only one bursary award. B. Personal Criteria 1. The individual must show evidence of a financial need and indicate that he or she has limited or no access to other scholarship or bursary 2 funds. 2. The individual should provide evi- dence of intent to pursue a continu- ing education plan or job upgrading goal which will benefit both individual and his community. the 3. The individual should provide evi- dence that the bursary would contri- bute to his or her continuing edu- cation goals. C. Use of Bursaries 1. The bursary shall be applied direct to tuition fees or course materials. 2. The bursary is to be paid to individual. the 3. The amounts awarded shall vary be- tween $50 and $200 for any one period of study. D. Application Procedure 1. The application must be in writing. 2. The applicant must describe the reasons for seeking the bursary in accordance with the estab- lished criteria, ——