MEM Q TO: All Employees FROM: Supervisor of Personnel Administration RE: Vacancy - BOOKSTORE CLERK * Rw Effective immediately the following position in the College is available. Position: »Bookstore Clerk Classification: Bookstore Clerk | Salary: $700.00 per month The job description for thts position is posted on all Staff Notice Boards. 1f no applicants fully meet the Pre-requisites, appointment may be made at a lower classifi- cation level. In keeping with our policy of filling vacancies from within our staff whenever possible, we invite applications from all qualified employees who are interested in being considered § for this’ position. If you wish to apply for this position, you should advise the Supervisor of Personnel Administration in writing by 7 August 1975. Quote Position Title used in this advertisement. § Qube LhAe di Cee of Perstnnel Administration a BY VROOM & YETTON, -- MISSING BOOK -~- -~--WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN-~-~- 1 ONLY COPY "LEADERSHIP & DECISION MAKING" UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH PRESS. SHIPPED TO DOUGLAS COLLEGE DECEMBER 31, 1974 VIA BOOKRATE. SHOULD HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED TO: ATTN: DEAN OF CONTIN. EDUCATION DOUGLAS COLLEGE, ETC. IF YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF WHEREABOUTS OF THIS BOOK, PLEASE CONTACT MABEL ENDACOTT, PURCHASING, 223 NW. LOC.